Wednesday, October 29, 2008

November Events

We have a lot of exciting things going on in November - both with the Garden Club and the upcoming election and the presentation of the Rte 104/21 Gateway. Specific dates have not been set, so keep your calendars open! If you wish to participate in any or all of these projects, please let the officers know by sending an e-mail to Most importantly, let us know what dates would NOT work for you.

Our usual November Garden Club event is winterizing the downtown planters. Last year, we used artificial christmas trees, and we plan to do this again this year. This year the process with take two steps: a) The christmas trees need to be checked before we put them in the planters. Additionally we have discussed putting the trees together in advance of putting them in the planters. Remember - we have 20 trees that need to put together and their lights checked out. b) we need to install the trees into the planters and secure them well.

Also, last year's flower arrangement donations were such a success, we thought we'd do it again this year. Plans for this are in the works.

And now it's back to winterizing the yard. We got that first dusting of snow overnight: the harbinger of things to come!



Saturday, October 11, 2008

October Lecture Event


Do you think about how to recycle your yard and kitchen wastes to create earthy and rich compost to benefit your garden? Join the Williamson Garden Club to learn the basics of composting!

The Williamson Garden Club is excited to present a Wayne County Master Gardener from the Cornell Cooperative Extension for their October lecture.

This lecture will be on Monday, October 20th at 7pm. The lecture will be at the Williamson Public Library at 7pm located at 6380 Route 21, Williamson, New York 14589 (p) 315.589.2048.

Please contact the President of the Garden Club, Subrata Paul at grow14589 [at] for more information.

This event is free and open to the general public. Pre-registration is not required.