Thursday, May 27, 2010

May Minutes

Hello Gardeners -

What a great meeting we had yesterday! Lots of excellent information and ideas came out. But first I want to welcome our newest member, Meddy, from Meddy's Musings! She has been a great guest lecturer in the past and joined our Garden Club this past month.

1. 2010 Project - Laurie Van Norstrand from the Cornell Cooperative graciously attended our meeting and was an amazing source of information. While we did stray from our original topic (we had to take advantage of having such a knowledgeable Master Gardener in our midst!), we did get a lot of information for our 2010 project.

2010 project -- Two raised beds in front of "Welcome to Williamson" signs. One on Rt 21, near the school, and one on Rt 104, near Cavallaro Neubauer.
1. Talk to Jerry Hubright regarding drainage issues around Rt 21 site and potential spraying around signs by the department and any potential right-of-way issues

2. Need to be aware of snow/wind/traffic in general. salt may be an issue. Remember that the snow load might be piled on which could crush the plants
3. Raised beds, not simply mounded areas, was decided. Recommended mixing existing soil with new soil and use newspaper to smother grass/remove sod.
Use top soil and compost. Additionally these should be well-mulched to reduce the need for weeding. Adding gypsum to soil can help alleviate the salt problem.

4. The soil will probably settle and will need to be re-set. Traditionally these would have been done in the falltime, allowing it time to settle. Recommendation to do
annuals this year to allow soil settlement and reset

5. Discussion of upkeep and maintenance. Important to make sure we can keep up with it otherwise no use in starting this process.

6. Suggested plants: low-growing juniper, tulips and daffodils, daylilies, shorter grasses, sedum, yucca, canna, hostas (not blue-leafed ones), annuals. Laurie to send
list of salt-tolerant plants for us to look at and choose from.

7. Recommended looking at size of flowers before deciding on size of raised beds. Look at impact of long-term plantings once we plant perennials. Keep in mind
lessons learned from Green Space in terms of placement.

8. We could take care of the weeds/seeds with preen or round-up although more organic methods should be look at as options.

We will set up a meeting in mid-June to discuss the logistics of taking on this project for this year. Last year Shirley was the lead person in moving the Green Space project forward. If anyone is interested in being the lead for this project, please let me know.

Then we segued into a discussion of how to handle pests in our gardens, what may be causing rotting in daylilies, and tomato problems.

The CCE recommends using copper fungicide for tomatoes and make sure you plant your tomatoes where it can dry off. The blight survives on live plants so get rid of last year's tomato plants/potato plants that might still carry it.

If you have questions for the CCE, their master gardener hotline is 331-8415 x107 and they are available on Tuesday and Fridays, 9-12p.

Pest Alert: the Emerald Ash Borer. if you think that your ashes have been infected or you find an ash borer, contact the Cornell Cooperative. They are waiving their $3 fee for this as they are trying to catch it before it becomes an infestation. (image: the CCE may be offering a lecture later this year on this pest.

2. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Cornell Cooperative is hosting a Great Gardens of Wayne County, Saturday, July 3rd from 11-4pm. There will be 6 gardens and they are IN Ontario, Williamson and Sodus. Tickets are $10 per person and can be picked up at Cornell Cooperative Extension Wayne County, 1581 Rt 88N, Newark, NY 14513, Phone: 315-331-8415.

Gardens include an oriental garden, an arboreteum, perennial/water garden, a straw-bale garden as well as others.

Additionally, the CCE is looking for nominations for gardens in Wayne County that you think might be one of the “Great Gardens” that could be included in our tours in future years. If you or someone you know has a potential tour garden please let us know. This program will be an ongoing program and they will be contacting owners of possible 2011 tour sites this summer.

3. Review of Apple Blossom Festival/Suggestions for 2011
Attendance appeared lower for this year's festival and we did not make as much money as last year/discuss the Garden Club with as many people. We had initially set up at Apple Blossom to publicize the Garden Club and it has segued into a plant sale. Suggestions for next year:
1. Set up on Sunday, during the car show. People park much closer and walk around more. More likely to buy plants and more likely to make contacts with
Williamson/local area for potential members.

2. Set up stand-alone Plant Sale on a following weekend. Would need to advertise more strongly and could set up a sandwich board at Apple Blossom to let
people know of sale.
a. This year, the CoC accepted material from different organizations to hand out during Apple Blossom so we would get some publicity
b. Set up at Breens / alternate location that would attract people (other ideas?)
c. advertise in sun&record / pennysaver / set up sandwich board / flyers / posters
d. See if we can coordinate with another garden club (sodus/ontario) for a combined plant sale
e. Talk to members of Sodus/Ontario about how their sales are set up - tips/ideas/suggestions for a successful plant sale

4. planters status - new planters/current planters
We are getting 12 new planters for downtown. No set date yet on when that will happen. Currently 18 planters downtown are planted. When new planters come, we will
replant 12 of them and keep the remaining 6 planters. Next year, we will probably only do the 12 planters (to be discussed further).

This is the third year that plants have died in May due to the cold weather. Discussion of putting something temporary and then putting in the plants at the end of May. One
suggestion is putting in Apple Twigs with fake Apple Blossoms, in keeping with the Apple Blossom festival. We would create a concrete base so that the planting would not
fly away. This needs further discussion.

5. watering of planters
Kris and Ed, Shirley, Perry and Darrell & Esther have volunteered to help with watering. if you can help, please let me know. Typically volunteers water for one week.

6. updated Garden Club events
Penny is having a sale in mid-June. We will be selling our plants during that time. After the sale, we will have a plant exchange for members (and friends!). if you have any
"wants" or "offers", let me know and I'll see about posting them closer to the exchange.

7. membership dues - Everyone owes dues (except Meddy, our newest member). $ 10 to Scott Utley, PO Box 202, Williamson, New York 14589 or you can send it to Eric Herriman, 2814 Rosemarie Lane, Ontario, NY 14519. Any checks should be made out to the Williamson Garden Club.

8. logos/t-shirts - Penny has created a logo which I will be sending out for people to look at. We want to create a t-shirt that all members can wear so we are easily

Perry, were you going to see where we could get these t-shirts printed/pricing to get them done?

9. We still need to discuss the Green Space dedication and signage

Finally I am happy to say that we were finally able to repay the Sodus Garden Club for their generosity to us these last couple of years. Eric and I dropped off some Japanese Maple Trees as well as some other plants for the Sodus Garden Club Plant Sale. Of course, I ended up buying way too many plants at the Sodus Garden Club Plant Sale which was as awesome as I had heard - it was great to finally attend the sale after hearing so much about it. The Sodus Garden Club was again very generous and gave the Williamson Garden Club their extra plants at the end of the sale.

Happy Gardening!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

July 10 & 11

3rd Annual Lavender Festival

9:30 - 4 :30

Celebrate Lavender at this fun and relaxing informational event. Pick lavender from our field, visit with our many craft artisans as well as the Olfactory Soap Shoppe. You may also purchase lavender plants, Enjoy musical entertainment Sample baked goods and herbal tea made with lavender and Participate in one of our hands on workshops.

This years key speakers are

Marcia Dixon, Medical Herbalist, business owner, and lecturer from Toronto ON . She will be speaking on "How to relieve stress and anxiety using herbs"

Julie Mitchell, Medical Herbalist, Owner of Eos Botanicals, and American Herbalist Guild member from Vermont will be speaking about herbal hydrosals, making and using them. Julie is also an Adjunct Professor at Middlebury College, and has worked as a Horticulturist at Addison Gardens in VT.

Chef Kevin McMaster will demonstrate how to cook with this wonderful herb and will be sure to offer some tasty samples!

Arleen Hodge, Owner of Cranberry Creek Herbs in Avon NY. Will be speaking about growing and using Lavender.

Cathy Maletta, an herbal tea consultant will be speaking about many different varieties of herbal tea.

There will be a small farm museum, hay rides and a childrens area.

Admission is $3.00 12 yrs & under FREE


I'll be sending the minutes from our meeting later. Bring out your calendar as there are some dates for you:

1. April 27th - Public meeting

Meeting Subject: “What can the Town of Williamson accomplish through sustainability?”

Background Information: The Town of Williamson was awarded a Program Opportunity Notice grant through NYSERDA for $30,000.00 in late 2009 to conduct Energy Conservation Studies of the Town’s Municipal Buildings and street lighting. Larsen Engineers, the Project Consultant, would like to share what was learned through the study. The meeting will cover the amount of money that can be saved through implementing energy conservation measures, and what this could mean to the Community, going forward.

The main question posed will be: “What can the Town of Williamson accomplish through sustainability?” We would like to know what green measures you would like to see in place in your community. Your ideas and input are important.

Meeting at 6:30 at Town Hall.

2. May 7th - Planting main street/town hall planters. John and Carol will be picking up the plants from Mason Farms. We will be meeting downtown at 7pm and planting. Please join us!

- take a look at your calendars and let me know if you can water during June-September

3. May 8th - Williamson Clean Sweep starting at 9am at King's Auto.

4. May 15th - Apple Blossom Festival. 9 am and we will (hopefully) have the same spot we've had for the last couple of years. Please bring plants to sell.

- If you need pots, please let me know.

- If you can work the tent, let me know. We will probably be there from 9am-2pm

5. May 20th - Ontario Library is hosting a "Shade Gardening" class at 7pm. Their last two lectures have been excellent (the last one actually got Eric and I planting cold-hardy vegetable seeds for our vegetable bed).

Just a reminder that Mason Farms opened on Wednesday. I can't wait to get in there this weekend and look at their plants! They are open from 9-6 on weekdays and 9-5 on the weekends.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April - Members Meeting

Happy Spring! After the invigorating talk on vegetable gardening last week, Eric and I ended up planting some cold-hardy plants such as lettuce, spinach and beets. Our pea vines are starting to poke their heads out and growing so it is definitely feeling like springtime!

Just a reminder that we have our members meeting. I'm excited to let you know that Laurie VanNorstrand, from Cornelle Cooperative, is going to come to our meeting to help us talk/plan our 2010 project. She was a great help last year in planning the Green Space and I'm looking forward to asking her questions and learning from her.

In addition, we will try to discuss these items also. If you have more, let me know and I'll add them to the agenda.

Also we have our members meeting next Wednesday, April 21st at the Williamson Library's small meeting room. (For the bookworms amongst us, the Library is holding their book sale so come early to buy books!).
Items so far:
- Plan for the Apple Blossom Festival
- Plan for downtown/town hall planters including watering schedule
- Plan for 2010 project (raised beds near "Welcome to Williamson" signs)
- Update on Garden tours for the summer
- New residents packages/Chamber of Commerce
- PR/Marketing/new member drive
- Green space update
If you have other items you'd like us to discuss, let me know and I'll include it in the agenda.

Upcoming Events for 2010

Well after a gorgeous week of beautiful weather (was I the only one tempted to go digging last week?), we've been having fairly typical Spring weather. My bulbs are starting to put out their green shoots though and I know that gardening time is just around the corner! I'm starting to get my supplies in order so as soon as the weather allows, I can get out there and start digging and moving things around.

1. Bring out your calendars because I have some dates to share with you. We have more planned but these are definite dates.

APRIL: The Ontario Library is presenting another lecture that we had planned to arrange for April. So mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 14th at 7pm. Vegetable Garden Preparation by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardener program. Call 315-524-8381 to sign up.

APRIL: The Genesee Region Orchid Society invites you to attend the 2010 Show and Sale, April 10-11, Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm, Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm, at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, Eisenhart Auditorium, 657 East Ave., Rochester, NY. I'm going to forward an email from Audrey Ferris that you can print out for $1 off the ticket price.

MAY: Downtown Planters/Town Hall Planters plantings, Saturday, May 8th, 8/9 am. Please let me know if you can help with the plantings or with watering during the summer.

MAY: Apple Blossom Festival Plant Sale, Saturday, May 15th. Please let me know if you can help out at the tent and what time(s) you can help. I have extra plastic pots if anyone needs them for plants.

JULY: Master Gardener Garden Tour, Saturday, July 3rd. The Master Gardeners are having garden tours as a fundraiser this year. More information on the ticket prices/locations to follow as I receive them. This should be an amazing event if the gardens are similar to what we've experienced with Master Gardener Audrey Ferris and her gorgeous rose gardens.

SEPTEMBER: Pultney Historical Society Garage Sale, Saturday, September 18th.

OCTOBER: Terrarium Program, Master Gardener program, Tuesday, October 26th at 7pm at the Williamson Library.


Mason Farms is building new greenhouses this year and, unfortunately, won't be able to give us a tour of their farms this year. While that is disappointing news, I'm looking forward to seeing what new things they'll have at their farm and will keep you posted on when they open up for the season.

2. The Garden Club had discussed having a dedication of the Green Space this year. We had tentatively talked about having it during the Apple Blossom Festival but have not contacted the Apple Blossom Festival organizers. We could also hold it at another time but should have it this year. I need some volunteers to take on this project and organize it. Please let me know if you are interested in doing this.

Monday night gardening talk series in the City of Rochester

This year we (finally) have the opportunity to attend the Sodus Garden Club's plant sale. As you know the Sodus Garden Club has generously donated their after-sale plants to our club during the Apple Blossom Festival for the last couple of years. This year, they will be having their sale on Saturday, May 22 starting at 9 am on Rt. 88 in front of the Primary School. I would highly recommend that you come at 9 as they have some amazing plants for sale every year.

Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 12:14 AM
Subject: Monday night gardening talk starts series of ten in the City

Hello Fellow Gardeners! I will be doing a series of free gardening talks at ten different locations in the City, beginning tomorrow night (Monday) at Cornell Cooperative Extension, in their auditorium from 7-8pm. These workshops will be rather free wheeling, based on the questions people bring, plants they bring for identification, and materials that I bring. It will be show and tell, rather than Powerpoint. Tomorrow night I will bring tiny Hardy Cyclamen seedlings for people - mine have been blooming since the snow departed, and they will continue through much of May.
No need to RSVP if you are not coming, but if you are, let me know so I can bring enough seedlings for people. They are tiny and delicate, but the price is right! I hope you can join me for one or several of these workshops. Some are on Monday evenings and others are on Saturday afternoons. They are listed in the Flower City Looking Good brochure, along with dozens of hikes, bike rides and other gardening/nature related events in Rochester. Look for the brochures in libraries or I would be happy to send you one.
Keep your eyes open for the first Tulip and first Lilac of 2010 - the final two categories in First in Bloom. Details on the other 9 categories already awarded, are at under Naturally Green. Also Bristol's Garden Center is having their Spring Open House on April 10 & 11, I'll be there to broadcast on April 10. Then I will also be broadcasting from the Broccolo Earth Expo at Cooperative Extension on April 17 from 9-4pm - a free event.
Mondays from 7-8pm, Free
March 29- Cornell Coop. Extension of Monroe County, 149 Highland Ave
April 5- Danforth Community Center, 200 West Ave
April 12 -Thomas P Ryan Community Center, 530 Webster Ave
April 19 -Edgerton Community Center, 41 Backus St.
April 26 - The Rochester Civic Garden Center, 5 Castle Park in Highland Park
May 3 - North Street Community Center, 700 North St.
Saturdays at the libraries - 12:30-1:30pm, Free
April 3- Winton Branch, 611 N. Winton Road
April 10- Arnett Branch, 310 Arnett Blvd.
April 17- Charlotte Branch, 3557 Lake Avenue
April 24- Monroe Branch, 809 Monroe Avenue
Rose Workshops
, 10 am–12 noon, Sat., May 1, June 19, July 24 and Oct. 9. Maplewood Rose Garden

Michael Warren Thomas
19 Trafalgar Street
Rochester, NY 14619

March Events

1. We don't normally do this but the Ontario Library is presenting the same lecture we had planned to arrange for March. So mark your calendars for Thursday, March 18th at 7pm:

Spring Garden Preparation - the Cornell Cooperative Extension is loaning us Cindy Ziegler Master Gardener for the evening. It is that time of year again. The time when our thoughts turn to the joys of getting our hands in the rich brown earth and working with it coaxing it to yield those wonderful flowers that we can enjoy for the warm Spring, Summer and Fall months. Call 315-524-8381 to sign up.

2. The Learning Fair is Saturday, March 13th this year. I am going to be out of town and am looking for a volunteer to man the table. It normally runs from 12-3 and we have flyers/brochures to share with the attendees. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering (email or call me at 524-4204).

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 2010 Event

Hello Gardeners! I hope everyone is staying warm during this cold time. It's hard to believe but even though our gardens are covered in snow, it is a perfect time to start planning for this year's gardens.

The Williamson Garden Club is excited to have Penny Higgins, past president of our club, provide a hands-on demonstration on starting plants from seeds. Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to plant seeds. The presentation will be on Wednesday, February 24th in the Williamson Library’s large meeting room at 7:00 P.M.

The Garden Club will provide whatever equipment is needed so just bring yourself and questions for Penny.

The presentation is free and open to the public. For more information, call Eric Herriman at (315) 524-4204. If you need information about Garden Club activities, membership, etc. feel free to email Additionally, you can check out the calendar at to see when we are holding our meetings and upcoming events.

Happy Gardening!Subrata