Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 2011 Minutes

Garden Club Agenda 1/19/2011

Subrata: check on 501(c) status (non-profit organization). What is paperwork, etc. needed for that.
Subrata: check for folder with history/background for garden club.
Eric: follow up with Cavallero and drop off paperwork
John: get rid of pumpkins for 2010 project

Pick up tulips from conservatory this year – a) to plant in raised beds this year and b) for sale at PHS sale

1. Plans for 2011 –
- Discussion of change in Eric and Subrata’s work schedule/work load.
- Will try to set up lectures through the the Master Gardener program for the 4th Wednesday of the month. (The 3rd Wednesday will be the member’s meeting and the 4th Wednesday will be our monthly lecture/event). Need to hear back from the library to make sure we can set it up through the end of the year.
- Idea of creating lifetime membership for $200(?)

2. Focus on recruiting new members / outreach into the community
- Send Penny info for monthly posters for events to put out in community. John recommended creating smaller postcard size to put on library desk
- Send info to Don for town calendar
- Penny to check to see if there is lighter sandwich board to use to publicize meetings
- Membership attendance – set up phone tree again (Linda to take on that responsibility)
- Penny - list of presentation/calendar of event for what Garden Club will be doing 2012
- Perry has master list of churches – can set up (1/2 sheet of events). Better off with churches for recruitment than organizations
- Kris to pretty up the sandwich board? Possible to leave it at library on a permanent basis?
- Firemen/School putting up signs for the Garden Club? – Perry to ask Doug about sign. John Manahan for Fire – John to follow up on that (for fire department).

Focus from now until June to do PR and move things along.

Give presentation to organizations
1. Penny to follow up with boys scouts

3. hands-on lectures/garden tours – terrariums (John has small plants in his woods/Penny has moss) – September/October; hypertufa and wreath-making – use as fundraiser/recruit members (make these events members-only).

4. spring plant sale - Talk to Sodus about doing a plant sale
- Possibly Sunday rather than Saturday – car show or airport/pancake breakfast
- Look at business cards as seed packets – Check out this link
500 seed-packet business cards printed with the GROW logo (probably as black and white line art) for $310 or so.
- PR / seed packs / calendar for the year of events?

5. 2011 summer project
- Route 104/Motts – do some outreach to Motts and see if they are interested in donating
- Depending time, Rte 21 (across from school)
- (John to buy materials ahead of time)

- 2010 – stella d’oro daylilies for Cavallero. Go there in May to clean and see how tulips are working.


Seed Starting – Penny/4th Wednesday of February (tentative) July:

Learning Fair, March 12

PHS Sale

Apple Blossom Festival (2nd Saturday of the month)/Plant Sale

Downtown Planting (end of the month for actual plants)
– will need to put in bottom for new planters and put in new soil (discuss in March/April members meeting).
- Put drainage holes in plastic bucket inside the new planters
-hardware fabric

- Begonias for town hall

-Use packing peanuts (compression/floating issues)?
-Peat gravel (John or Penny)
- 4x6 lumber pieces from barn (John) – use for spacers
- causes rust. Need something on bottom so they don’t rust onto sidewalk. Plastic “feet”? wooden base?

ACTION ITEM: bring in unused new planter for next meeting to look at and decide how to best handle it for May.

1. Emerald Ash Borer – Cornell Cooperative – 4th Wednesday of July (tentative)

2. PHS House Tour, June 11
- Request for centerpieces (herb planted pots?
- Request for extra plants for homeowners
- Force bulbs for June?
- Ask Masons regarding wholesale plants?
Downtown Planting

Flower Arrangement

Suggested Master Gardener Lectures
Beginning Bonsai Bulbs: Planting, care and succession of bloom
Beneficial Insects Hands on Gardening
Diagnosing Plant Problems Garden Design with Perennials
Orchids Putting Your Garden to Bed (Fall)
Stone Wall Construction
Honeybees Spring Garden Tasks
Daylilies Perennials

Hands-On (members-only)
1. Wreath-making
2. Hypertufa
3. Terrarium
4. Creating a succulent wreath

Garden Tours
Audrey Ferris Rose Garden
Sylvia and Phil Bornath Oriental garden
Do Members’ Garden Tours for summer as our members meeting
? suggestions for other garden tours