We're going to come off our long Thanksgiving weekend and jump right into our December event.
****For Garden Club Members only****
On Monday, December 1, at 6:30 pm, we will be doing flower arrangements to donate to Blossom View. John Palmer from Laggoner Farms will show us how to put together the arrangements. We have approximately 130 arrangements to make so need to make sure we have enough people to make them.
****Please confirm in advance, if possible, that you will attend****
Send confirmation to grow14589@gmail.com
Some people have already confirmed. If you can confirm, please do so - though you are still welcome to come even if you can't confirm ahead of time. We are simply trying to make sure we can make all the arrangements in the time we have set up.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
November Events
We have a lot of exciting things going on in November - both with the Garden Club and the upcoming election and the presentation of the Rte 104/21 Gateway. Specific dates have not been set, so keep your calendars open! If you wish to participate in any or all of these projects, please let the officers know by sending an e-mail to grow14589@gmail.com. Most importantly, let us know what dates would NOT work for you.
Also, last year's flower arrangement donations were such a success, we thought we'd do it again this year. Plans for this are in the works.
And now it's back to winterizing the yard. We got that first dusting of snow overnight: the harbinger of things to come!
Our usual November Garden Club event is winterizing the downtown planters. Last year, we used artificial christmas trees, and we plan to do this again this year. This year the process with take two steps: a) The christmas trees need to be checked before we put them in the planters. Additionally we have discussed putting the trees together in advance of putting them in the planters. Remember - we have 20 trees that need to put together and their lights checked out. b) we need to install the trees into the planters and secure them well.
Also, last year's flower arrangement donations were such a success, we thought we'd do it again this year. Plans for this are in the works.
And now it's back to winterizing the yard. We got that first dusting of snow overnight: the harbinger of things to come!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
October Lecture Event
Do you think about how to recycle your yard and kitchen wastes to create earthy and rich compost to benefit your garden? Join the Williamson Garden Club to learn the basics of composting!
The Williamson Garden Club is excited to present a Wayne County Master Gardener from the Cornell Cooperative Extension for their October lecture.
This lecture will be on Monday, October 20th at 7pm. The lecture will be at the Williamson Public Library at 7pm located at 6380 Route 21, Williamson, New York 14589 (p) 315.589.2048.
Please contact the President of the Garden Club, Subrata Paul at grow14589 [at] gmail.com for more information.
This event is free and open to the general public. Pre-registration is not required.
Do you think about how to recycle your yard and kitchen wastes to create earthy and rich compost to benefit your garden? Join the Williamson Garden Club to learn the basics of composting!
The Williamson Garden Club is excited to present a Wayne County Master Gardener from the Cornell Cooperative Extension for their October lecture.
This lecture will be on Monday, October 20th at 7pm. The lecture will be at the Williamson Public Library at 7pm located at 6380 Route 21, Williamson, New York 14589 (p) 315.589.2048.
Please contact the President of the Garden Club, Subrata Paul at grow14589 [at] gmail.com for more information.
This event is free and open to the general public. Pre-registration is not required.
July monthly lecture,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Update to September Meeting
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
We had an interesting members' meetings yesterday. At the meeting was Eric, John, Scott, Penny (and Evan), Perry and myself.
1. 2009 Officers for the Williamson Garden Club
President: Subrata
VP: Eric
Secretary: still available
Treasurer: Scott
PR (publicity and press): Perry
PR (blog): Penny
Archivist: John
2. We are doing well financially and have almost doubled our bank account, thanks to the great plant sales we've been having.
We had some discussions about providing money/plant donations including
- donating plants to the green space
- if Chamber of Commerce/Charrette puts up "Welcome to Williamson" signs, Garden Club will provide plants/landscape/maintenance
- provide landscaping around sign near Town Hall/Library including raised bed, greenery and flowers
3. The decision was made to have set dates for membership dues. Going forward, membership dues should be paid by September 1st. For members joining after March, dues will be 1/2 ($ 5). This will help all of us keep better track of paying our dues.
I realize some of you have paid recently. Please talk to Scott to see how your dues will be set up.
4. Franke's Nursery is having a plant auction this coming Saturday.
3987 Boynton Road, Walworth, NY
10:00 (preview at 9:00)
for more information : www.reynoldsauction.com
5. We need to continue to recruit active members. We have a great core group of people who are active and helping. As we desire to take on more roles to help revitalize and beautify Williamson, more help would be great. If you have any ideas, let me know.
Ideas we came up with yesterday:
- Contact Fellowship of Churches
- Request help from Charrette
- Contact school for help from HS students. New Vice Principal, Mark Schichtel, is good contact. Perry will contact him to see what help is available.
- Williamson Orchard Center
- Whispering Woods - mgr is part of Chamber of Commerce so will contact on setting up meeting to present Garden Club to homeowners there.
6. So what's on the calendar for the rest of the year?
October event - Replace plants in Town/Main Street planters with mums (Scott to organize)
Compost lecture by Cornell Cooperative (tentative)
November - We received A LOT of compliments for our trees last year. We will check trees/replace trees and set up trees (end of November)
December - Flower arrangements with John Palmer (tentative)
If you have any suggestions or recommendations for upcoming lectures, let me know.
Happy Gardening!
We had an interesting members' meetings yesterday. At the meeting was Eric, John, Scott, Penny (and Evan), Perry and myself.
1. 2009 Officers for the Williamson Garden Club
President: Subrata
VP: Eric
Secretary: still available
Treasurer: Scott
PR (publicity and press): Perry
PR (blog): Penny
Archivist: John
2. We are doing well financially and have almost doubled our bank account, thanks to the great plant sales we've been having.
We had some discussions about providing money/plant donations including
- donating plants to the green space
- if Chamber of Commerce/Charrette puts up "Welcome to Williamson" signs, Garden Club will provide plants/landscape/maintenance
- provide landscaping around sign near Town Hall/Library including raised bed, greenery and flowers
3. The decision was made to have set dates for membership dues. Going forward, membership dues should be paid by September 1st. For members joining after March, dues will be 1/2 ($ 5). This will help all of us keep better track of paying our dues.
I realize some of you have paid recently. Please talk to Scott to see how your dues will be set up.
4. Franke's Nursery is having a plant auction this coming Saturday.
3987 Boynton Road, Walworth, NY
10:00 (preview at 9:00)
for more information : www.reynoldsauction.com
5. We need to continue to recruit active members. We have a great core group of people who are active and helping. As we desire to take on more roles to help revitalize and beautify Williamson, more help would be great. If you have any ideas, let me know.
Ideas we came up with yesterday:
- Contact Fellowship of Churches
- Request help from Charrette
- Contact school for help from HS students. New Vice Principal, Mark Schichtel, is good contact. Perry will contact him to see what help is available.
- Williamson Orchard Center
- Whispering Woods - mgr is part of Chamber of Commerce so will contact on setting up meeting to present Garden Club to homeowners there.
6. So what's on the calendar for the rest of the year?
October event - Replace plants in Town/Main Street planters with mums (Scott to organize)
Compost lecture by Cornell Cooperative (tentative)
November - We received A LOT of compliments for our trees last year. We will check trees/replace trees and set up trees (end of November)
December - Flower arrangements with John Palmer (tentative)
If you have any suggestions or recommendations for upcoming lectures, let me know.
Happy Gardening!
Friday, August 22, 2008
August Meeting Minutes
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
Here are the minutes from our August meeting on Tuesday, August 19th at the Williamson Public Library at 7pm.
Members: Subrata Paul, Eric Herriman, Penny Higgins, John Ferrante, Carol Hopkins, Shirley Schulze, Nathalie Fuller. Guest (and future GC member): Gail McCarthy
a. Mike Orr's Greenspace:
Shirley has been working with Mike and keeping up with the progress of the restaurant wall.
Mike is planning on adding two benches to the tree that he has already planted. Additionally, Walker Nurseries has offered perennials as they are going out of business.
The Garden Club needs to finalize a layout plan and help Mike with the plantings. We discussed possible shrubs, using trumpet vine/clematis/ivy to grow up trellises up the wall and getting daylilies from our newest GC member, Joyce Leimberger. Additionally there is a perennial flower set-up on Lake Rd across from Orbakers, where plants are $ 2.00.
Suggestion to put up laminated plan near green space with notice that the garden is a community effort with no tax dollars going into it. (some free publicity for the GC as well as Mike Orr).
1. Shirley to find out what perennials will be donated.
2. Shirley to find out when perennials need to be taken from Walker Nursery
3. John to investigate manure/leaf mulch for us to work into soil and enrich it
4. John to look into stones available at Fox Farms to use in green space
5. from ALL our members - please look at your gardens and see if there is anything you can donate. E-mail me your list of possible plants by next week Monday (8/25). This can include shrubs and larger plants.
b. Elections
Just a reminder that elections will take place at our September meeting. Please consider serving as an officer, even if it's for a partial year. I know many of you head off to warmer weather as it cools off around here but your service for 6-9 months would be beneficial to our organization.
Positions available:President
Vice President
Public Relations/Membership
If you have questions about the responsibilities of any of these positions, let me know.
c. Fall plantings
The current plantings are doing very well and will remain in the planters as long as they look good. Suggestion to put in pumpkins/mums if needed. If you have any to donate, let me know.
d. Winter plantings
In the beginning of November, we will check all the christmas trees to see what needs to be replaced.
Weights are needed for the trees, so they don't fall over.
1. Scott to see what money is available for fall/winter plantings
2. Subrata to see if Chamber of Commerce can help with winter decorations. If funds available, we could add decorations to other areas of downtown.
d. Pultneyville Garage Sale, Saturday, September 20th
Carol Hopkins has graciously offered her yard for us to set up for the garage sale. There will be a $15-20 permit fee that will be paid by the Garden Club. John has offered his tent again and we will be setting up the night before. If you have plants or fruits/veggies to donate, you can drop them off the night before if desired.
ALL garden club members - please look at your gardens and see if there are items you can donate. Last year, we made almost $100 even though it was a cold and overcast day. Along with plants, John brought apples, tomatoes and hot peppers - all which sold very well.
e. Town Hall sign
The spring bulbs planted last year by the Garden Club looked great this year. John suggested that we plant perennials (such as hostas and daylilies) to enhance the area. He also suggested that we put a sign stating "If you want to contribute to the beautification of the town, please contact ______________________"
Happy Gardening!
Here are the minutes from our August meeting on Tuesday, August 19th at the Williamson Public Library at 7pm.
Members: Subrata Paul, Eric Herriman, Penny Higgins, John Ferrante, Carol Hopkins, Shirley Schulze, Nathalie Fuller. Guest (and future GC member): Gail McCarthy
a. Mike Orr's Greenspace:
Shirley has been working with Mike and keeping up with the progress of the restaurant wall.
Mike is planning on adding two benches to the tree that he has already planted. Additionally, Walker Nurseries has offered perennials as they are going out of business.
The Garden Club needs to finalize a layout plan and help Mike with the plantings. We discussed possible shrubs, using trumpet vine/clematis/ivy to grow up trellises up the wall and getting daylilies from our newest GC member, Joyce Leimberger. Additionally there is a perennial flower set-up on Lake Rd across from Orbakers, where plants are $ 2.00.
Suggestion to put up laminated plan near green space with notice that the garden is a community effort with no tax dollars going into it. (some free publicity for the GC as well as Mike Orr).
1. Shirley to find out what perennials will be donated.
2. Shirley to find out when perennials need to be taken from Walker Nursery
3. John to investigate manure/leaf mulch for us to work into soil and enrich it
4. John to look into stones available at Fox Farms to use in green space
5. from ALL our members - please look at your gardens and see if there is anything you can donate. E-mail me your list of possible plants by next week Monday (8/25). This can include shrubs and larger plants.
b. Elections
Just a reminder that elections will take place at our September meeting. Please consider serving as an officer, even if it's for a partial year. I know many of you head off to warmer weather as it cools off around here but your service for 6-9 months would be beneficial to our organization.
Positions available:President
Vice President
Public Relations/Membership
If you have questions about the responsibilities of any of these positions, let me know.
c. Fall plantings
The current plantings are doing very well and will remain in the planters as long as they look good. Suggestion to put in pumpkins/mums if needed. If you have any to donate, let me know.
d. Winter plantings
In the beginning of November, we will check all the christmas trees to see what needs to be replaced.
Weights are needed for the trees, so they don't fall over.
1. Scott to see what money is available for fall/winter plantings
2. Subrata to see if Chamber of Commerce can help with winter decorations. If funds available, we could add decorations to other areas of downtown.
d. Pultneyville Garage Sale, Saturday, September 20th
Carol Hopkins has graciously offered her yard for us to set up for the garage sale. There will be a $15-20 permit fee that will be paid by the Garden Club. John has offered his tent again and we will be setting up the night before. If you have plants or fruits/veggies to donate, you can drop them off the night before if desired.
ALL garden club members - please look at your gardens and see if there are items you can donate. Last year, we made almost $100 even though it was a cold and overcast day. Along with plants, John brought apples, tomatoes and hot peppers - all which sold very well.
e. Town Hall sign
The spring bulbs planted last year by the Garden Club looked great this year. John suggested that we plant perennials (such as hostas and daylilies) to enhance the area. He also suggested that we put a sign stating "If you want to contribute to the beautification of the town, please contact ______________________"
Happy Gardening!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
August Events
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
A slight soggy greetings to you - the rain has been pretty unbelievable this month. Of course, my garden seems to be enjoying it and I know that our downtown/Town Hall planters are looking lovely and lush.
We've been getting a lot of compliments on how great our planters look this year. I'd like to thank Eric for working hard with Doug Mason to come up with some great plant mixes and our diligent waterers -- Shirley, Perry, Kris and Ed.
If you haven't taken a slow drive or walk down Main Street, I would recommend it. I've also noticed that some of the shopkeepers have put out plants, making downtown Williamson look very green and colorful.
Eric and I had a wonderful tour of Joyce Leimberger's gardens. As many of our Garden Club members are, she is a passionate gardener with extensive knowledge of daylilies and a keen eye for mixing colors and textures. Her daylilies are unbelievable - so many different colors and textures and different from what we saw at Parker's house. If you're interested in seeing her flowers, I will send you a link to Flickr where some photos are located. I was glad to have my camera with me that morning! Joyce sells her daylilies - if you are interested, she is located at 4466 Lake Road.
For August
1. Members meeting - Tuesday, August 19th at the Williamson Public Library at 7pm. A few items to discuss:
a. Shirley informed me that it looks like the Chinese Restaurant wall is being painted which means that the Green Space will be ready to be planted soon.
b. Elections are going to take place in September. Please consider serving as an officer, even if it's for a partial year. I know many of you head off to warmer weather as it cools off around here but your service for 6-9 months would be beneficial to our organization.
c. Fall plantings - there had been an initial discussion about this so that we don't have dead plants until we put in the Christmas Trees. If our planters continue as they are currently going on, it may not be a problem as we might be able to keep them until October with only a month between plantings. Let's discuss what we would like to do.
d. Coleus over-wintering - we will have some coleus to overwinter. I think our best bet is to divide them up so as to increase the likelihood of some of them surviving. Let's discuss who would be able to take some for the winter.
e. Pultneyville Garage Sale in September
If you have other items to discuss, please let me know and I'll include them in the agenda.
2. Monthly Lecture/Event
I am very excited to announce that Sylvia Bornarth and her husband have opened up their Asian Garden for the Garden Club to walk through and see. They have an amazing garden and the Bornarths are accomplished gardeners.
This is a Garden Club Members-Only tour. If there is anyone who has expressed interest in joining our Club (or becoming a Friend of the Club), please feel free to invite them.
The tour will be Tuesday, August 26th at the Bornarth House at 6:30. Hopefully there will be no need for a rain date!
Happy Gardening!
A slight soggy greetings to you - the rain has been pretty unbelievable this month. Of course, my garden seems to be enjoying it and I know that our downtown/Town Hall planters are looking lovely and lush.
We've been getting a lot of compliments on how great our planters look this year. I'd like to thank Eric for working hard with Doug Mason to come up with some great plant mixes and our diligent waterers -- Shirley, Perry, Kris and Ed.
If you haven't taken a slow drive or walk down Main Street, I would recommend it. I've also noticed that some of the shopkeepers have put out plants, making downtown Williamson look very green and colorful.
Eric and I had a wonderful tour of Joyce Leimberger's gardens. As many of our Garden Club members are, she is a passionate gardener with extensive knowledge of daylilies and a keen eye for mixing colors and textures. Her daylilies are unbelievable - so many different colors and textures and different from what we saw at Parker's house. If you're interested in seeing her flowers, I will send you a link to Flickr where some photos are located. I was glad to have my camera with me that morning! Joyce sells her daylilies - if you are interested, she is located at 4466 Lake Road.
For August
1. Members meeting - Tuesday, August 19th at the Williamson Public Library at 7pm. A few items to discuss:
a. Shirley informed me that it looks like the Chinese Restaurant wall is being painted which means that the Green Space will be ready to be planted soon.
b. Elections are going to take place in September. Please consider serving as an officer, even if it's for a partial year. I know many of you head off to warmer weather as it cools off around here but your service for 6-9 months would be beneficial to our organization.
c. Fall plantings - there had been an initial discussion about this so that we don't have dead plants until we put in the Christmas Trees. If our planters continue as they are currently going on, it may not be a problem as we might be able to keep them until October with only a month between plantings. Let's discuss what we would like to do.
d. Coleus over-wintering - we will have some coleus to overwinter. I think our best bet is to divide them up so as to increase the likelihood of some of them surviving. Let's discuss who would be able to take some for the winter.
e. Pultneyville Garage Sale in September
If you have other items to discuss, please let me know and I'll include them in the agenda.
2. Monthly Lecture/Event
I am very excited to announce that Sylvia Bornarth and her husband have opened up their Asian Garden for the Garden Club to walk through and see. They have an amazing garden and the Bornarths are accomplished gardeners.
This is a Garden Club Members-Only tour. If there is anyone who has expressed interest in joining our Club (or becoming a Friend of the Club), please feel free to invite them.
The tour will be Tuesday, August 26th at the Bornarth House at 6:30. Hopefully there will be no need for a rain date!
Happy Gardening!
Friday, June 27, 2008
July Update and Events
Hello Fellow Gardeners -
Mark your calendars for our July events -
1. Members meeting - Ed and Kris Jorolemon will host our members meeting on Monday, July 7th at 6:30. If you have not had the pleasure to see Kris and Ed's gardens yet, you are in for a treat! Let me know if there are any topics you would like discussed during our members meeting.
2. Monthly event - Parker Zach has invited to see his Daylily garden on Saturday, July 19th at 6:30 pm. He lives in Webster.
In other news, Eric and I went to the CoC meeting last night. There was an excellent response to the request for paint donations and volunteers to paint the Chinese Restaurant wall. All the paint and the filler have been covered through donations, even though Mike Orr was willing to dip into BID money in case it wasnt' covered. The CoC simply needs to get the top part filled in and painted and then will let the volunteers know when they are needed for painting. I will keep you posted.
Secondly, from Lorraine
"in exciting news, the Chamber received permission from Mr. & Mrs. DiGiulio, the owners of the cobblestone garage on Main Street to do a clean-up on the property! We are very pleased that this could be worked out to benefit them and our community!!
We are asking any adult that would volunteer one hour of their time to help pull/cut weeds to please contact Lorraine Mason or the Chamber or Mike Orr of the BID. We are only asking for an hour...whatever you achieve in that hour is your donation to the community project.
We also approached the DiGiulio's about the Chamber and the BID freshening the paint on the building. We are waiting to see if this is a possibility.
PLEASE...consider helping...these types of projects show community spirit, pride and our willingness to help others!
Thanks for the consideration!!!"
If you are interested, the Chamber of Commerce email is WilliamsonCofC@aol.com.
Happy Gardening!
Mark your calendars for our July events -
1. Members meeting - Ed and Kris Jorolemon will host our members meeting on Monday, July 7th at 6:30. If you have not had the pleasure to see Kris and Ed's gardens yet, you are in for a treat! Let me know if there are any topics you would like discussed during our members meeting.
2. Monthly event - Parker Zach has invited to see his Daylily garden on Saturday, July 19th at 6:30 pm. He lives in Webster.
In other news, Eric and I went to the CoC meeting last night. There was an excellent response to the request for paint donations and volunteers to paint the Chinese Restaurant wall. All the paint and the filler have been covered through donations, even though Mike Orr was willing to dip into BID money in case it wasnt' covered. The CoC simply needs to get the top part filled in and painted and then will let the volunteers know when they are needed for painting. I will keep you posted.
Secondly, from Lorraine
"in exciting news, the Chamber received permission from Mr. & Mrs. DiGiulio, the owners of the cobblestone garage on Main Street to do a clean-up on the property! We are very pleased that this could be worked out to benefit them and our community!!
We are asking any adult that would volunteer one hour of their time to help pull/cut weeds to please contact Lorraine Mason or the Chamber or Mike Orr of the BID. We are only asking for an hour...whatever you achieve in that hour is your donation to the community project.
We also approached the DiGiulio's about the Chamber and the BID freshening the paint on the building. We are waiting to see if this is a possibility.
PLEASE...consider helping...these types of projects show community spirit, pride and our willingness to help others!
Thanks for the consideration!!!"
If you are interested, the Chamber of Commerce email is WilliamsonCofC@aol.com.
Happy Gardening!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Update and Recap - June
Hello Fellow Gardeners -
We had an amazing June lecture at Audrey Ferris's gardens. She showed us her spectacular rose gardens (as well as her other plants) and let us take clippings of her roses. She said that about 50% of her rose garden came from clippings(!) and they are just gorgeous to look at. I know that 1/2 of the cuttings I took from her garden last year survived and are thriving. I will try to write up my notes on how to make cuttings/preparing your roses, etc. and will post it on our blog.
We were also lucky to get three garden tours on Tuesday! Along with Audrey's amazing gardens, two of her neighbors were generous enough to share their gardens with us. One of the neigbors owns Lavender Lane and she grows, harvests and sells lavender. It was really something to see.
I have some "Save the dates" for July and information on the next Chamber of Commerce meeting.
1. CoC - Meeting is today (7/26) at 7pm in the Williamson Library.
2. Kris and Ed will be hosting our members meeting this month. We will have it in the beginning of July - more information as date/time are finalized.
3. Penny has arranged the daylily tour with Parker Zach for Saturday, July 19th. I know we typically don't do weekends but if you can make this tour, his daylily garden is out of this world. Parker is a very passionate and experienced daylily gardener. I will send the time and address in a future email. I know this is the same day as the Pultneyville Homecoming but unfortunately no other day works well for Parker.
4. I am trying to arrange a garden tour of the Bornath House in Pultneyville. The Bornaths are avid gardeners and not only have a beautiful rose garden but have a spectacular oriental garden. This will probably be sometime in mid/end July - more information as it gets finalized.
Going forward:
1. There were other members who had expressed an interest in hosting the members-only meeting and letting us tour their gardens. If you are still interested in doing so, please let me know. We still have August, September and possibly October, depending on the weather.
2. A BIG thank-you to everyone who has been watering the plants. Eric and I are doing it this week and they look spectacular - growing, lush, and very healthy. We've been getting many compliments on how well they look this year. We are working towards getting small laminated signs in the planters so people will know that our garden club planted and are maintaining the planters.
3. Shirley is working hard on getting the Green Space going and has made excellent progress! She's been talking to Mike Orr and, until the Chinese restaurant side has been painted over, the major part of the green space is on hold. Mike has put in the tree and is planning on providing the benches, etc. Shirley will be working on putting plants in the small planter by the side. If you would like to help Shirley with the Green Space, feel free to contact her.
4. Plant Exchange - a few people have gotten back to me with plants they have to exchange. If you have items to exchange OR are interested in plants, even though you may not have anything to offer, please email me with your list.
Happy Gardening!
We had an amazing June lecture at Audrey Ferris's gardens. She showed us her spectacular rose gardens (as well as her other plants) and let us take clippings of her roses. She said that about 50% of her rose garden came from clippings(!) and they are just gorgeous to look at. I know that 1/2 of the cuttings I took from her garden last year survived and are thriving. I will try to write up my notes on how to make cuttings/preparing your roses, etc. and will post it on our blog.
We were also lucky to get three garden tours on Tuesday! Along with Audrey's amazing gardens, two of her neighbors were generous enough to share their gardens with us. One of the neigbors owns Lavender Lane and she grows, harvests and sells lavender. It was really something to see.
I have some "Save the dates" for July and information on the next Chamber of Commerce meeting.
1. CoC - Meeting is today (7/26) at 7pm in the Williamson Library.
2. Kris and Ed will be hosting our members meeting this month. We will have it in the beginning of July - more information as date/time are finalized.
3. Penny has arranged the daylily tour with Parker Zach for Saturday, July 19th. I know we typically don't do weekends but if you can make this tour, his daylily garden is out of this world. Parker is a very passionate and experienced daylily gardener. I will send the time and address in a future email. I know this is the same day as the Pultneyville Homecoming but unfortunately no other day works well for Parker.
4. I am trying to arrange a garden tour of the Bornath House in Pultneyville. The Bornaths are avid gardeners and not only have a beautiful rose garden but have a spectacular oriental garden. This will probably be sometime in mid/end July - more information as it gets finalized.
Going forward:
1. There were other members who had expressed an interest in hosting the members-only meeting and letting us tour their gardens. If you are still interested in doing so, please let me know. We still have August, September and possibly October, depending on the weather.
2. A BIG thank-you to everyone who has been watering the plants. Eric and I are doing it this week and they look spectacular - growing, lush, and very healthy. We've been getting many compliments on how well they look this year. We are working towards getting small laminated signs in the planters so people will know that our garden club planted and are maintaining the planters.
3. Shirley is working hard on getting the Green Space going and has made excellent progress! She's been talking to Mike Orr and, until the Chinese restaurant side has been painted over, the major part of the green space is on hold. Mike has put in the tree and is planning on providing the benches, etc. Shirley will be working on putting plants in the small planter by the side. If you would like to help Shirley with the Green Space, feel free to contact her.
4. Plant Exchange - a few people have gotten back to me with plants they have to exchange. If you have items to exchange OR are interested in plants, even though you may not have anything to offer, please email me with your list.
Happy Gardening!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Williamson Chamber of Commerce Information
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
I don't know about you but my garden has just BURST into color. Every day I go out and it looks like yet another flower has burst into bloom. It's completely chaotic as I have not gotten to weeding yet (as those who are coming over on Wednesday will see) but I'm really enjoying the color and fragrances. I forget how wonderful the roses smell when they start blooming.
I've been receiving updates from the CoC as we are now members. I'm going to post them on our website but there were a few that I thought might be interesting. I'm going to combine them into one email for your convenience.
The BID and CofC have received the go ahead to have the east side of the old Chinese restaurant painted. We feel that this project will benefit the overall look of the downtown area.
The project relies on support and donations from businesses, Churches, community members and organizations. The donation requested would be to submit to the BID (Mike Orr) the cost of one (1) gallon of paint. The support would be to help prep and paint.
This is a simple project if we get enough involvement. It will not fall on the shoulders of a few if everyone can offer something. One hour of your time during the day or at night after work to scrap or paint is all we are asking from each person. Don't have time for that then donate a gallon of paint.
This project will happen over a period of time. Please contact Mike Orr of the BID or Lorraine Mason of the CofC with questions, offers of help, etc.
SUBRATA: I would like us to, at minimum, donate paint for the project. If anyone sees a problem with that, let me know. We currently have over $1,000 in our bank account. If there is interest, we could set up a "Garden Club" night where members get together to help with painting.
2. The Chamber would like to communicate with as many of members as possible. If you are interested in community happenings, business news, etc. please send your name and associated email address to WilliamsonCofC [at] aol.com with the above requested information.
3. Governor Paterson's Economic Security Cabinet is pleased to announce Regional Town Hall Meetings to receive comments on New York State's efforts to protect and enhance the economic security of low-income families. In this national economic downturn, Governor Paterson has charged his Economic Security Cabinet with exploring opportunities to support struggling low-income families. These Town Hall meetings will provide an opportunity to hear about the State's commitment to protecting and enhancing economic security. Suggestions from employers, labor representatives, researchers, advocates, and the general public are a vital part of this effort, and interested individuals are invited to provide written submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
Further information about the Economic Security Cabinet and the regional Town Hall meetings – and registration information for the meetings - can be obtained at the Economic Security Cabinet website – http://economicsecurity.us. All meetings will begin promptly at 4:00 PM and end at 7:00 PM. June 25 Finger Lakes Region – Rochester City Hall.
To register for any of the Economic Security Cabinet town hall meetings or reserve a few minutes to speak, please visit the Cabinet's web site at http://economicsecurity.us
Happy Gardening!
I don't know about you but my garden has just BURST into color. Every day I go out and it looks like yet another flower has burst into bloom. It's completely chaotic as I have not gotten to weeding yet (as those who are coming over on Wednesday will see) but I'm really enjoying the color and fragrances. I forget how wonderful the roses smell when they start blooming.
I've been receiving updates from the CoC as we are now members. I'm going to post them on our website but there were a few that I thought might be interesting. I'm going to combine them into one email for your convenience.
The BID and CofC have received the go ahead to have the east side of the old Chinese restaurant painted. We feel that this project will benefit the overall look of the downtown area.
The project relies on support and donations from businesses, Churches, community members and organizations. The donation requested would be to submit to the BID (Mike Orr) the cost of one (1) gallon of paint. The support would be to help prep and paint.
This is a simple project if we get enough involvement. It will not fall on the shoulders of a few if everyone can offer something. One hour of your time during the day or at night after work to scrap or paint is all we are asking from each person. Don't have time for that then donate a gallon of paint.
This project will happen over a period of time. Please contact Mike Orr of the BID or Lorraine Mason of the CofC with questions, offers of help, etc.
SUBRATA: I would like us to, at minimum, donate paint for the project. If anyone sees a problem with that, let me know. We currently have over $1,000 in our bank account. If there is interest, we could set up a "Garden Club" night where members get together to help with painting.
2. The Chamber would like to communicate with as many of members as possible. If you are interested in community happenings, business news, etc. please send your name and associated email address to WilliamsonCofC [at] aol.com with the above requested information.
3. Governor Paterson's Economic Security Cabinet is pleased to announce Regional Town Hall Meetings to receive comments on New York State's efforts to protect and enhance the economic security of low-income families. In this national economic downturn, Governor Paterson has charged his Economic Security Cabinet with exploring opportunities to support struggling low-income families. These Town Hall meetings will provide an opportunity to hear about the State's commitment to protecting and enhancing economic security. Suggestions from employers, labor representatives, researchers, advocates, and the general public are a vital part of this effort, and interested individuals are invited to provide written submissions and/or 3 minutes of in-person testimony.
Further information about the Economic Security Cabinet and the regional Town Hall meetings – and registration information for the meetings - can be obtained at the Economic Security Cabinet website – http://economicsecurity.us. All meetings will begin promptly at 4:00 PM and end at 7:00 PM. June 25 Finger Lakes Region – Rochester City Hall.
To register for any of the Economic Security Cabinet town hall meetings or reserve a few minutes to speak, please visit the Cabinet's web site at http://economicsecurity.us
Happy Gardening!
Chamber of Commerce,
Mark Your Calendar - June Event!
The Williamson Garden Club is very excited to present Wayne County Master Gardener, Audrey Ferris, for their June lecture. Learn how to grow roses and keep them blooming and disease free throughout the season. As an added bonus, we will also enjoy a tour of Audrey's garden in Sodus, which contain over 200 roses!
The lecture will be on Tuesday, June 24th at 6:30 pm. If you are interested, please contact me for information on location at grow14589@gmail.com or 315-524-4204.
This event, as with all our events, is free and open to the public.
Happy Gardening!
The lecture will be on Tuesday, June 24th at 6:30 pm. If you are interested, please contact me for information on location at grow14589@gmail.com or 315-524-4204.
This event, as with all our events, is free and open to the public.
Happy Gardening!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
June Update
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
We had an excellent meeting at Carol's house - she provided a lovely tour of her gardens and a sneak peak at her house (hers is one of the 10 houses on the Pultneyville Historical Society's House Tour - http://www.pultneyvillehistoricalsociety.org/pages/news_feat.htm).
At our member's meeting:
1. The PHS House Tour is on Saturday, June 14th. We will be donating a vase of flowers for each house. Please take a look at your gardens to see what you think you can donate to the cause. We have some vases but if you have vases to donate, let me know. Kris Jorolemon will be donating her artistic skills in creating a small card/sign to go with each vase.
I will be sending another email next week for a day to get-together and create the vases (probably Thursday the 12th).
2. One of the houses is looking for garden club members to help out on the 14th. What would work best would be two people in the morning and two people in the afternoon. If you are interested, email me or Carol Hopkins and let us know which time would work best for you.
3. Shirley Schulze will be our point person for the Mike Orr Greenspace. She will meet with him to find out how he would like to proceed with the Greenspace.
4. I received a great response to the request for watering the planters. Thank you for your enthusiasm to do so! There are a few weeks (maybe 3 or 4) that have not yet been taken. If you can take one week to water, let me know.
Finally, I am very excited to announce that our June lecture will be at Audrey Ferris's garden on Tuesday, June 24th, at 6:30. Those of you who went last year know what a spectacular garden she has and how wonderful it was to walk around and see all the gorgeous flowers (roses and then some!). Hold the date as it will be an amazing experience!
Happy Gardening!
We had an excellent meeting at Carol's house - she provided a lovely tour of her gardens and a sneak peak at her house (hers is one of the 10 houses on the Pultneyville Historical Society's House Tour - http://www.pultneyvillehistoricalsociety.org/pages/news_feat.htm).
At our member's meeting:
1. The PHS House Tour is on Saturday, June 14th. We will be donating a vase of flowers for each house. Please take a look at your gardens to see what you think you can donate to the cause. We have some vases but if you have vases to donate, let me know. Kris Jorolemon will be donating her artistic skills in creating a small card/sign to go with each vase.
I will be sending another email next week for a day to get-together and create the vases (probably Thursday the 12th).
2. One of the houses is looking for garden club members to help out on the 14th. What would work best would be two people in the morning and two people in the afternoon. If you are interested, email me or Carol Hopkins and let us know which time would work best for you.
3. Shirley Schulze will be our point person for the Mike Orr Greenspace. She will meet with him to find out how he would like to proceed with the Greenspace.
4. I received a great response to the request for watering the planters. Thank you for your enthusiasm to do so! There are a few weeks (maybe 3 or 4) that have not yet been taken. If you can take one week to water, let me know.
Finally, I am very excited to announce that our June lecture will be at Audrey Ferris's garden on Tuesday, June 24th, at 6:30. Those of you who went last year know what a spectacular garden she has and how wonderful it was to walk around and see all the gorgeous flowers (roses and then some!). Hold the date as it will be an amazing experience!
Happy Gardening!
june monthly lecture,
Tour of Homes
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Update to Apple Blossom Festival
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
We had an excellent Apple Blossom Festival sale. We made $175 in sales (yeah!!). W
e have only sold six raffle tickets, to two people. I know the raffle was set up later so I want to open it up to members if anyone planned on getting tickets and didn't get a chance.
The prizes are -- Grand Prize - 1/2 hour rototilling;
1st prize - 1 year membership with Garden Club
2nd prize is a very cute gardening mug with little gardening tools.
Tickets are 1 ticket for $2 or 3 tickets for $5. Let me know by Tuesday (we can settle up money-wise later) and I'll be picking names on Tuesday evening.
We had a lot of great help.
John offered up and set up the tent which definitely came in handy during the torrential downpour. He also provided the sandwich board so passerbys could see our information.
Plants were donated by Penny, Carol, Kris and Ed, Tim, Scott, John, Shirley and Eric and then, of course, we received another truckload from the Sodus Garden Club. I can't even begin to discuss what we had because there was so many awesome plants this year!
A big thanks to those who were able to stay and sell plants. I know how difficult it is especially for those who are on multiple committees or were hanging out with the kids/grandkids. Shirley, Scott and definitely Penny were a huge help in selling and talking to prospective garden club members :).
Finally, I have to thank Eric for all the driving and picking up (and loading and unloading) on Saturday.
It was really great to see how everyone's contribution to the sale made it such a big success - thank you for your time and energy!
Happy Gardening!-Subrata
We had an excellent Apple Blossom Festival sale. We made $175 in sales (yeah!!). W
e have only sold six raffle tickets, to two people. I know the raffle was set up later so I want to open it up to members if anyone planned on getting tickets and didn't get a chance.
The prizes are -- Grand Prize - 1/2 hour rototilling;
1st prize - 1 year membership with Garden Club
2nd prize is a very cute gardening mug with little gardening tools.
Tickets are 1 ticket for $2 or 3 tickets for $5. Let me know by Tuesday (we can settle up money-wise later) and I'll be picking names on Tuesday evening.
We had a lot of great help.
John offered up and set up the tent which definitely came in handy during the torrential downpour. He also provided the sandwich board so passerbys could see our information.
Plants were donated by Penny, Carol, Kris and Ed, Tim, Scott, John, Shirley and Eric and then, of course, we received another truckload from the Sodus Garden Club. I can't even begin to discuss what we had because there was so many awesome plants this year!
A big thanks to those who were able to stay and sell plants. I know how difficult it is especially for those who are on multiple committees or were hanging out with the kids/grandkids. Shirley, Scott and definitely Penny were a huge help in selling and talking to prospective garden club members :).
Finally, I have to thank Eric for all the driving and picking up (and loading and unloading) on Saturday.
It was really great to see how everyone's contribution to the sale made it such a big success - thank you for your time and energy!
Happy Gardening!-Subrata
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Pultneyville Historical Society -"Sailors' Farewell Tour of Homes"
"Sailors' Farewell Tour of Homes"
June 14, 2008
The Pultneyville Historical Society is preparing for its first “Sailors’ Farewell Tour of Homes” on June 14 th , 2008! The last time the Society was involved in a local house tour was approximately 15 years ago. The event was an overwhelming success, bringing not only community residents, but also people from the larger surrounding area!
The theme for this tour is based on Pultneyville's long maritime history with the title of
"Sailors' Farewell". Captains and crews would leave from this port, bidding farewell to many local families, neighbors, and business associates.
The agenda for this year's tour includes ten homes of varied history and architecture. Among these:
You will visit the location of the Sailors Farewell Dance, which was often held the evening before departure on these perilous voyages.
A local Captain's historic residence is included in today's adventure.
You will see homes that played an important role in the history of The Underground Railroad.
You will visit a home that reports the lowest sea level elevation on Lake Ontario 's Southern shore.
The Young Sommer Winery on Jersey Road has also been included for your pleasure as an introduction to a new exciting local winery, which will see future inclusion on a NY State Winery Trail from the Williamson area.
Other exciting features are planned for your enjoyable day walking or riding through Historic Pultneyville.
Parking will be available to the local homes at the Pultneyville Reformed Church and the Pultneyville Grill restaurant. Those needing closer parking may park at the old hotel, which is part of the tour.
A buffet lunch will be available between 11:30 am and 3 pm at The Pultneyville Grill, located in The Landing At Pultneyville , which overlooks Pultneyville Harbor . Current planning includes soup & salad choices, veggies, meat entree, and soft drinks. Price includes tax and tip. This historic beautiful refurbished building is located adjacent to the site of local shipbuilding during the late 19th century. The Artisans Loft is located next to the Pultneyville Grill and presents works of many local and area artists with different artistic mediums.
This promises to be a fun and exciting day. Click here to print out the Tour ticket order form and follow the mailing instructions to receive your advance tickets.
June 14, 2008
The Pultneyville Historical Society is preparing for its first “Sailors’ Farewell Tour of Homes” on June 14 th , 2008! The last time the Society was involved in a local house tour was approximately 15 years ago. The event was an overwhelming success, bringing not only community residents, but also people from the larger surrounding area!
The theme for this tour is based on Pultneyville's long maritime history with the title of
"Sailors' Farewell". Captains and crews would leave from this port, bidding farewell to many local families, neighbors, and business associates.
The agenda for this year's tour includes ten homes of varied history and architecture. Among these:
You will visit the location of the Sailors Farewell Dance, which was often held the evening before departure on these perilous voyages.
A local Captain's historic residence is included in today's adventure.
You will see homes that played an important role in the history of The Underground Railroad.
You will visit a home that reports the lowest sea level elevation on Lake Ontario 's Southern shore.
The Young Sommer Winery on Jersey Road has also been included for your pleasure as an introduction to a new exciting local winery, which will see future inclusion on a NY State Winery Trail from the Williamson area.
Other exciting features are planned for your enjoyable day walking or riding through Historic Pultneyville.
Parking will be available to the local homes at the Pultneyville Reformed Church and the Pultneyville Grill restaurant. Those needing closer parking may park at the old hotel, which is part of the tour.
A buffet lunch will be available between 11:30 am and 3 pm at The Pultneyville Grill, located in The Landing At Pultneyville , which overlooks Pultneyville Harbor . Current planning includes soup & salad choices, veggies, meat entree, and soft drinks. Price includes tax and tip. This historic beautiful refurbished building is located adjacent to the site of local shipbuilding during the late 19th century. The Artisans Loft is located next to the Pultneyville Grill and presents works of many local and area artists with different artistic mediums.
This promises to be a fun and exciting day. Click here to print out the Tour ticket order form and follow the mailing instructions to receive your advance tickets.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
More Mason Farms Pictures
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Apple Blossom Festival
hello Fellow Gardeners!
The Main Street and Town Hall planters were done on Friday evening. We have some very creative and pretty mixes of plants this year - along with flowers, there is a mix of decorative foliage, textures and sizes. I wanted to thank John Ferrante, Penny Higgins and her family (Bill and son Evan), Carol Hopkins, Scott Utley, Eric Herriman and Kris and Ed Jorolemon for their help in getting the planters done. I hope everyone has a chance to check them out!
So we have some exciting volunteer opportunities!
1. Now that the planters are done, we need some volunteers for watering the plants. Eric and I went out Sunday morning and the planters were a bit dry. We are hoping to water them every day this week so that they get settled by the Apple Blossom Festival. After that, they should be watered at least 2-3 times a week, depending on the weather. Water is available at a couple of different areas, so you don't need to cart the water to the area.
- If you can volunteer, even for one week, let me know.
- If you decide to water, let me know so we're not duplicating efforts
2. We need people to sit at the table for Apple Blossom festival this year. We will have a booth set up on Saturday only and will probably be there from 10ish until after the parade (maybe 2/3ish?). Even if you can only sit for an hour, that would be very helpful.
3. Finally, we are looking for plant donations for the table. We currently have a great crop of Norfolk pine and I think we'll have hostas. Let me know if you are planning on donating - you will be able to drop things off at the table or you can also drop them off at my house during the week.
Just a reminder, starting in June, we will be having garden tours. If you would like to open up your garden for the club to tour, let me know. We are thinking about having our members meetings be at our members' gardens.
Happy Gardening!
The Main Street and Town Hall planters were done on Friday evening. We have some very creative and pretty mixes of plants this year - along with flowers, there is a mix of decorative foliage, textures and sizes. I wanted to thank John Ferrante, Penny Higgins and her family (Bill and son Evan), Carol Hopkins, Scott Utley, Eric Herriman and Kris and Ed Jorolemon for their help in getting the planters done. I hope everyone has a chance to check them out!
So we have some exciting volunteer opportunities!
1. Now that the planters are done, we need some volunteers for watering the plants. Eric and I went out Sunday morning and the planters were a bit dry. We are hoping to water them every day this week so that they get settled by the Apple Blossom Festival. After that, they should be watered at least 2-3 times a week, depending on the weather. Water is available at a couple of different areas, so you don't need to cart the water to the area.
- If you can volunteer, even for one week, let me know.
- If you decide to water, let me know so we're not duplicating efforts
2. We need people to sit at the table for Apple Blossom festival this year. We will have a booth set up on Saturday only and will probably be there from 10ish until after the parade (maybe 2/3ish?). Even if you can only sit for an hour, that would be very helpful.
3. Finally, we are looking for plant donations for the table. We currently have a great crop of Norfolk pine and I think we'll have hostas. Let me know if you are planning on donating - you will be able to drop things off at the table or you can also drop them off at my house during the week.
Just a reminder, starting in June, we will be having garden tours. If you would like to open up your garden for the club to tour, let me know. We are thinking about having our members meetings be at our members' gardens.
Happy Gardening!
apple blossom festival,
May events,
Plant Sale,
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Master Gardener Plant Sale - Wayne County Cornell Cooperative Extension
Saturday, May 10th from 8:00 am to noon
Master Gardener Plant Sale
(plants provided by local nurseries and from Master Gardener’s private collections)
Gardeners Toolboxes will also be available for purchase. Finished $15.00 each, kits for $10.00 each
Location: Wayne County Cooperative Extension, 1581 Rte 88 North, Newark
Pruning: An Illustrated Guide to Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.
Pruning practices described in this publication are appropriate for both the amateur and the professional horticulturist - $6.00.
Planting and Maintaining Trees and Shrubs.
The practices discussed in this guide are appropriate for landscape plantings and for use by private property owners and professional horticulturists - $8.00.
These two publications are written using current Cornell recommendations for trees and shrubs grown in New York State. They are easy to understand and contain many illustrations.
Master Gardener Plant Sale
(plants provided by local nurseries and from Master Gardener’s private collections)
Gardeners Toolboxes will also be available for purchase. Finished $15.00 each, kits for $10.00 each
Location: Wayne County Cooperative Extension, 1581 Rte 88 North, Newark
Pruning: An Illustrated Guide to Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.
Pruning practices described in this publication are appropriate for both the amateur and the professional horticulturist - $6.00.
Planting and Maintaining Trees and Shrubs.
The practices discussed in this guide are appropriate for landscape plantings and for use by private property owners and professional horticulturists - $8.00.
These two publications are written using current Cornell recommendations for trees and shrubs grown in New York State. They are easy to understand and contain many illustrations.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Photos from Mason Farms Tour
Kris Jorolemon took some great shots of the Mason Farm Tour in April. We had over 27 attendees to the event.
A small glimpse of the crowd and the retail store. Around the corner is the greenhouse with gorgeous flowers for sale.
Doug Mason standing in front of one of the greenhouses that he showed us. Look at the colors of the flowers in the hanging baskets!

April events,
April lecture,
Mason Farms
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sodus Garden Club Plant Sale
Sodus Garden Club Plant Sale
May 17
9 AM - Noon
Sodus Primary School on Route 88 south of the village
May 17
9 AM - Noon
Sodus Primary School on Route 88 south of the village
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sodus Lighthouse - Help needed
The Sodus Lighthouse Gardens need help. There are about 8 different gardens on the property (www.soduspointlighthouse.org.) and is Wayne County's number one tourist attraction.
If interested in helping this spring to get the gardens started or anytime during the season, send an email and I will give you the contact information.
Every Friday morning during the growing season, gardeners gather at 9 am to put the finishing touches on the gardens before the weekend weddings and concerts. They would welcome any help.
If interested in helping this spring to get the gardens started or anytime during the season, send an email and I will give you the contact information.
Every Friday morning during the growing season, gardeners gather at 9 am to put the finishing touches on the gardens before the weekend weddings and concerts. They would welcome any help.
lighthouse gardens,
lighthouse sodus,
wayne county
May Events around Williamson
hello Fellow Gardeners!
I hope you've been enjoying the recent gorgeous days.
Last week, we had a great turnout for the Mason Farms tour -- over 27 people came. Doug Mason gave a great tour of the farm including a view of their organic seedlings and a discussion of IPM (Integrated Pest Management). It is really eye-opening to see the time and energy that goes into running a farm. Afterwards, we were able to walk around their retail greenhouse and buy flowers. If you haven't made it over there yet, they are open every day. Check out their dahlias -- I've already been back to pick up a couple more.
If you make it over to the Williamson Library/Town hall, notice the gorgeous spring flowers around the entrance sign - the tulips and such were donated by the Garden Club and add a great splash of color. If you see other places/signs that you think would benefit from spring flowers, let me know and maybe we can plant some in the fall.
Lots of news for May:
1. May is Apple Blossom Festival month. We will be doing the downtown Planters and the Town Hall planters (I think) on Friday, May 9th, after work. Please let me know if you are available to help out -- we have 18-20 planters to do and can use help.
2. Saturday, May 10th, is Clean Sweep Day. If you are free Saturday morning, consider helping out. We received a lot of compliments on how great Main Street looked during the Apple Blossom Festival and it's always great to show off how good Williamson looks.
3. We will have a booth on Saturday, May 17th, at the Apple Blossom Festival.
a. If you can donate plants (indoor/outdoor) or other gardening-related items, let me know. Last year, flowing plants really got people's attention but everything sold well. If you need pots, call me as I have extra ones.
b. Let me know your availability to sit at the table/help out on Saturday.
4. And, as I have to encourage plant-buying, there are some fun events going on this weekend.
a. Spring Valley Greenhouse (http://www.springvalleygreenhouse.com/)is having their Open House in Walworth on May 3rd and 4th from 10-5. Use the coupon in the Spring Valley Gardens newsletter to receive your free clematis, (valued at $5.98) No purchase required, http://www.springvalleygreenhouse.com/uploads/svg-newsletter-2008.pdfFrom past experience, their gardens are gorgeous to walk through and be warned that it's hard to walk out without buying something!b. Edgewood Nursery, 620 Walworth Penfield Road (Rte 441) is having their annual nursery stock auction on May 5th starting at 10. Preview is at 9am and there's more information at www.reynoldsauction.com. If you bid on something, you need to take it with you that day. Last year I bought a beautiful crabapple tree for $12.
I'll be posting other events on our website. http://grow-thewilliamsongardenclub.blogspot.com/
There are quite a few Garden Club flower sales, etc. and I don't want to overwhelm people's mailbox. If you hear of an event that you think might be of interest, email me and I'll post it on our website.
Happy Gardening!
I hope you've been enjoying the recent gorgeous days.
Last week, we had a great turnout for the Mason Farms tour -- over 27 people came. Doug Mason gave a great tour of the farm including a view of their organic seedlings and a discussion of IPM (Integrated Pest Management). It is really eye-opening to see the time and energy that goes into running a farm. Afterwards, we were able to walk around their retail greenhouse and buy flowers. If you haven't made it over there yet, they are open every day. Check out their dahlias -- I've already been back to pick up a couple more.
If you make it over to the Williamson Library/Town hall, notice the gorgeous spring flowers around the entrance sign - the tulips and such were donated by the Garden Club and add a great splash of color. If you see other places/signs that you think would benefit from spring flowers, let me know and maybe we can plant some in the fall.
Lots of news for May:
1. May is Apple Blossom Festival month. We will be doing the downtown Planters and the Town Hall planters (I think) on Friday, May 9th, after work. Please let me know if you are available to help out -- we have 18-20 planters to do and can use help.
2. Saturday, May 10th, is Clean Sweep Day. If you are free Saturday morning, consider helping out. We received a lot of compliments on how great Main Street looked during the Apple Blossom Festival and it's always great to show off how good Williamson looks.
3. We will have a booth on Saturday, May 17th, at the Apple Blossom Festival.
a. If you can donate plants (indoor/outdoor) or other gardening-related items, let me know. Last year, flowing plants really got people's attention but everything sold well. If you need pots, call me as I have extra ones.
b. Let me know your availability to sit at the table/help out on Saturday.
4. And, as I have to encourage plant-buying, there are some fun events going on this weekend.
a. Spring Valley Greenhouse (http://www.springvalleygreenhouse.com/)is having their Open House in Walworth on May 3rd and 4th from 10-5. Use the coupon in the Spring Valley Gardens newsletter to receive your free clematis, (valued at $5.98) No purchase required, http://www.springvalleygreenhouse.com/uploads/svg-newsletter-2008.pdfFrom past experience, their gardens are gorgeous to walk through and be warned that it's hard to walk out without buying something!b. Edgewood Nursery, 620 Walworth Penfield Road (Rte 441) is having their annual nursery stock auction on May 5th starting at 10. Preview is at 9am and there's more information at www.reynoldsauction.com. If you bid on something, you need to take it with you that day. Last year I bought a beautiful crabapple tree for $12.
I'll be posting other events on our website. http://grow-thewilliamsongardenclub.blogspot.com/
There are quite a few Garden Club flower sales, etc. and I don't want to overwhelm people's mailbox. If you hear of an event that you think might be of interest, email me and I'll post it on our website.
Happy Gardening!
apple blossom festival,
Mason Farms,
May events,
Plant Sale,
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Second Annual Clean Sweep in Williamson
From our Town Supervisor, Jim Hoffman
Operation Clean Sweep 2008
The First “Operation Clean Sweep” was conducted last year on the Saturday prior to the Apple Blossom Festival. Many volunteers got together to pick up litter, pull weeds, do some painting and clean up the general area around the Main Street Business district, which included Rt. 21.
We would like to do it again and ask that you consider having representatives from your organization participate this year on Saturday, May 10th from 9:00 a.m. until 12 p.m.
Mike Orr, President of the Williamson Business Improvement District and proprietor of Kings Auto Service, will be on hand that day to provide rakes, garbage bags and any other equipment needed for “Operation Clean Sweep.”
Even if only one or two people from your organization can attend for an hour or two, or possibly do something prior to Saturday morning, your efforts will make a difference and be recognized. All you have to do is show up at Kings on Saturday, May 10th. However, it would be helpful if you could let me know if your organization will be participating by sending an email to wmsonsupv[at]rochester.rr.com or calling my office.
This is a good opportunity for all of us to work together to support both the Apple Blossom Festival and our Main Street Business District.
Thank you,
Jim Hoffman
Operation Clean Sweep 2008
The First “Operation Clean Sweep” was conducted last year on the Saturday prior to the Apple Blossom Festival. Many volunteers got together to pick up litter, pull weeds, do some painting and clean up the general area around the Main Street Business district, which included Rt. 21.
We would like to do it again and ask that you consider having representatives from your organization participate this year on Saturday, May 10th from 9:00 a.m. until 12 p.m.
Mike Orr, President of the Williamson Business Improvement District and proprietor of Kings Auto Service, will be on hand that day to provide rakes, garbage bags and any other equipment needed for “Operation Clean Sweep.”
Even if only one or two people from your organization can attend for an hour or two, or possibly do something prior to Saturday morning, your efforts will make a difference and be recognized. All you have to do is show up at Kings on Saturday, May 10th. However, it would be helpful if you could let me know if your organization will be participating by sending an email to wmsonsupv[at]rochester.rr.com or calling my office.
This is a good opportunity for all of us to work together to support both the Apple Blossom Festival and our Main Street Business District.
Thank you,
Jim Hoffman
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Pultneyville Historical Society "Sailors' Farewell Tour of Homes"
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tours of 10 historic homes in Pultneyville
Young Sommer Winery
Buffet lunch available at the Pultneyville Grill
Parking and restroom facilities available
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tours of 10 historic homes in Pultneyville
Young Sommer Winery
Buffet lunch available at the Pultneyville Grill
Parking and restroom facilities available
Friday, April 11, 2008
April Event
Mason Farms : Sneak Preview
Join the Williamson Garden Club for a tour and discussion at Mason Farms and Farm Market! Enjoy the beautiful flowers coming up in the greenhouses and learn how Mason Farms works and continues to grow.
This lecture will be on Thursday, April 24th at Mason Farms and Farm Market, 3135 Ridge Road, Williamson, NY at 6:30 P.M. This event is free and open to the local community and general public.
For more information, call the VP of the Garden Club, Eric Herriman, e-mail grow14589[at]gmail.com. Pre-registration is not required.
Join the Williamson Garden Club for a tour and discussion at Mason Farms and Farm Market! Enjoy the beautiful flowers coming up in the greenhouses and learn how Mason Farms works and continues to grow.
This lecture will be on Thursday, April 24th at Mason Farms and Farm Market, 3135 Ridge Road, Williamson, NY at 6:30 P.M. This event is free and open to the local community and general public.
For more information, call the VP of the Garden Club, Eric Herriman, e-mail grow14589[at]gmail.com. Pre-registration is not required.
April events,
April lecture,
Mason Farms,
Friday, March 28, 2008
March Update
Hello Fellow Gardeners-
Well it looks like Winter is having its last Huzzah today with snowfall and wintery weather.
A few notes:
1. Fiskars sent us a letter thanking us for applying for their grant and reminding us to try again next year. As a further thank-you, they also are giving us 10% off any Fiskars tools that they carry. As a Garden Club Member or Friend, you are welcome to take advantage of this offer. I think we can buy items individually (not as a group), but will double-check on that information.
The website is www.fiskars.com and the letter contained the code needed for the discount.
2. Kris and Ed Jorolemon sent on this website for free sunflowers. It seems appropriate after attending the Sodus Garden Club lecture on bees.
"Check out this cool, important study at: www.greatsunflower.org
This project is through SF State where I am an alumni and will send you free seeds and directions to count the bees...a national survey. You do know our bee population is waning and is at very dangerous levels."
3. Our landscape design lecture went very well and was attended by approximately 16 people.
I have the handouts that were given out and am happy to share them. A few people have asked for handouts and feel free to let me know if you would like them also.
The Master Gardener Program coordinator, Laurie Van Norstrand, has offered their help with the greenspace. They are willing to work with us (and Mike Orr) to make sure we have the right mix of soil, plants, etc. We gave them a copy of our Fiskars proposal and, in just briefly looking it over, they came up with great questions for us to consider. I think it will be a good partnership for us to continue to develop as they have a lot of great resources for us to utilize.
4. The Christmas trees - it's the end of March and time for the trees to come out. I'm going to be out of town this weekend, but Eric and I are planning on going out on Monday, after work (around 6:30/7ish, I think). If anyone is available to help, it will make quick work of it.
Happy (indoor) Gardening!
Well it looks like Winter is having its last Huzzah today with snowfall and wintery weather.
A few notes:
1. Fiskars sent us a letter thanking us for applying for their grant and reminding us to try again next year. As a further thank-you, they also are giving us 10% off any Fiskars tools that they carry. As a Garden Club Member or Friend, you are welcome to take advantage of this offer. I think we can buy items individually (not as a group), but will double-check on that information.
The website is www.fiskars.com and the letter contained the code needed for the discount.
2. Kris and Ed Jorolemon sent on this website for free sunflowers. It seems appropriate after attending the Sodus Garden Club lecture on bees.
"Check out this cool, important study at: www.greatsunflower.org
This project is through SF State where I am an alumni and will send you free seeds and directions to count the bees...a national survey. You do know our bee population is waning and is at very dangerous levels."
3. Our landscape design lecture went very well and was attended by approximately 16 people.
I have the handouts that were given out and am happy to share them. A few people have asked for handouts and feel free to let me know if you would like them also.
The Master Gardener Program coordinator, Laurie Van Norstrand, has offered their help with the greenspace. They are willing to work with us (and Mike Orr) to make sure we have the right mix of soil, plants, etc. We gave them a copy of our Fiskars proposal and, in just briefly looking it over, they came up with great questions for us to consider. I think it will be a good partnership for us to continue to develop as they have a lot of great resources for us to utilize.
4. The Christmas trees - it's the end of March and time for the trees to come out. I'm going to be out of town this weekend, but Eric and I are planning on going out on Monday, after work (around 6:30/7ish, I think). If anyone is available to help, it will make quick work of it.
Happy (indoor) Gardening!
Friday, March 21, 2008
March information from GROW
Hello Fellow Gardeners -
Well yesterday was the First Day of Spring and, the snowfall notwithstanding, spring is marching this way.
1. With that in mind, I thought the following might interest you.
Enter to win one of three prize packages chock full of gardening goodies — each package has a retail value of $1,000 and includes an assortment of tools from Ames True Temper, product from The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, and a gift certificate to NGA's Garden Shop. Check off what type of gardening you do: home, community, or school, and fill in the rest of the fields. You may enter only one category. Enter by April 30.
I need to see what the requirements are for the community gardening portion - it may be a good fit for our Garden Club. But in the meantime, all of us home gardeners could participate and hopefully one of us will be a lucky winner.
2. Eric and I had the pleasure of attending the Sodus Garden Club's lecture on "All about Bees". Mary Moss-Sprague, a master gardener and an avid bee-keeper, gave an excellent lecture on honeybees, how we can entice them to our gardens and just a little bit about colony collapse. Afterwards we enjoyed refreshments (I think Eric and I ate our weight in delicious cookies) and had a chance to meet the gardeners in Sodus.
Eric is interested in starting up beekeeping again (he was involved when he was younger). If anyone else is interested, please talk to him at eric.herriman[at]xerox.com.
3. Eric and I attended the Learning Fair last Saturday. We showed off the Fiskar video, as some of our members were able to see. Penny brought her table-top photo gallery that drew people in and we got a good response from the parents who attended. All of our brochures were taken and three people signed up to receive further information about the Garden Club.
4. Eric spoke to Mike Orr about the greenspace. Mike plans to move forward with the greenspace and there is some money alloted for it. No meeting has been set up yet. If you are interested in being involved in the discussion, please talk to Eric at the above email/phone number.
5. Last (but definitely not least), a reminder about our March lecture on Tuesday, March 25th on Landscape Design. I had the pleasure to meet one of the speakers at the Learning Fair and this is going to be an amazing event. I will be sending a message to all our past attendees and I'm hopeful that we will have as good of a response as we did to the February event.
Happy Gardening!
Well yesterday was the First Day of Spring and, the snowfall notwithstanding, spring is marching this way.
1. With that in mind, I thought the following might interest you.
Enter to win one of three prize packages chock full of gardening goodies — each package has a retail value of $1,000 and includes an assortment of tools from Ames True Temper, product from The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, and a gift certificate to NGA's Garden Shop. Check off what type of gardening you do: home, community, or school, and fill in the rest of the fields. You may enter only one category. Enter by April 30.
I need to see what the requirements are for the community gardening portion - it may be a good fit for our Garden Club. But in the meantime, all of us home gardeners could participate and hopefully one of us will be a lucky winner.
2. Eric and I had the pleasure of attending the Sodus Garden Club's lecture on "All about Bees". Mary Moss-Sprague, a master gardener and an avid bee-keeper, gave an excellent lecture on honeybees, how we can entice them to our gardens and just a little bit about colony collapse. Afterwards we enjoyed refreshments (I think Eric and I ate our weight in delicious cookies) and had a chance to meet the gardeners in Sodus.
Eric is interested in starting up beekeeping again (he was involved when he was younger). If anyone else is interested, please talk to him at eric.herriman[at]xerox.com.
3. Eric and I attended the Learning Fair last Saturday. We showed off the Fiskar video, as some of our members were able to see. Penny brought her table-top photo gallery that drew people in and we got a good response from the parents who attended. All of our brochures were taken and three people signed up to receive further information about the Garden Club.
4. Eric spoke to Mike Orr about the greenspace. Mike plans to move forward with the greenspace and there is some money alloted for it. No meeting has been set up yet. If you are interested in being involved in the discussion, please talk to Eric at the above email/phone number.
5. Last (but definitely not least), a reminder about our March lecture on Tuesday, March 25th on Landscape Design. I had the pleasure to meet one of the speakers at the Learning Fair and this is going to be an amazing event. I will be sending a message to all our past attendees and I'm hopeful that we will have as good of a response as we did to the February event.
Happy Gardening!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Fiskars Grant Update
Dear Fellow Gardeners -
Well the news is in and, unfortunately, we were not one of the finalists for the Fiskars Grant. Here is a link with the final winners. http://www.fiskars.com/content/garden_en_us/Garden/community/project+orange+thumb. They had over 500 grant applications with over half of them being school organizations.
I want to thank everyone who took the time and energy to help us put this grant application together. It was a great experience to work with our community leaders and we put together a fabulous grant application. It was impressive that we were able to turn the application around in such a short period of time (less than a month from start to finish!), including the video of what we planned to do with the Green Space. I know, as we go forward, that future grant applications will get easier and we will be more successful.
The good news is the Mike Orr has always planned to move forward with the greenspace, regardless of whether we won the grant. The grant application will be a great jumping point for us to start working with Mike in building the greenspace for downtown Williamson.
Happy Gardening!
Well the news is in and, unfortunately, we were not one of the finalists for the Fiskars Grant. Here is a link with the final winners. http://www.fiskars.com/content/garden_en_us/Garden/community/project+orange+thumb. They had over 500 grant applications with over half of them being school organizations.
I want to thank everyone who took the time and energy to help us put this grant application together. It was a great experience to work with our community leaders and we put together a fabulous grant application. It was impressive that we were able to turn the application around in such a short period of time (less than a month from start to finish!), including the video of what we planned to do with the Green Space. I know, as we go forward, that future grant applications will get easier and we will be more successful.
The good news is the Mike Orr has always planned to move forward with the greenspace, regardless of whether we won the grant. The grant application will be a great jumping point for us to start working with Mike in building the greenspace for downtown Williamson.
Happy Gardening!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Upcoming Events - Cornell Cooperative Wayne County
Wednesday, March 19, at 7 p.m.: Join the Sodus Garden Club for apresentation "All About Bees" from Wayne County Master Gardener Mary Moss.She plans to cover the latest information on CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) and what it means on a local level as well as world-wide, thedifferentiation of bees that visit our gardens, what to do when you findany of them hanging around, how you can attract honeybees and bumblebees while keeping the nasty pests at bay, and the organization of honeybees inthe hive. Her presentation display will include color charts and prints,the major woodenware components of a hive body as well as a bee suit andother beekeeping paraphernalia.
Location: Sodus Parish Center
Thursday, March 20th from 11am to noon: a FREE presentation on growingfruit in home gardens. Lori Bushway from the Cornell University Horticulture Department will discuss growing different types of small fruit with a focus on bramblesand blueberries. There will be time for your questions as well!
Location: Wayne County Cooperative Extension, 1581 Rte 88 North, Newark
Please call (315) 331-8415 to reserve your spot.
Tuesday, March 25th at 7pm: Join the Williamson Garden Club for apresentation from Wayne County Master Gardeners, Bonny Gordon and Jim Oliver. Learn about reclaiming overgrown foundation plantings and blending them with other plants to create a landscape that you’ll be able to enjoy for years to come.
Location: Williamson Public Library
Saturday, May 10th from 8:00 am to noon: Master Gardener Plant Sale (plants provided by local nurseries and from Master Gardener’s private collections)
Location: Wayne County Cooperative Extension, 1581 Rte 88 North, Newark
Location: Sodus Parish Center
Thursday, March 20th from 11am to noon: a FREE presentation on growingfruit in home gardens. Lori Bushway from the Cornell University Horticulture Department will discuss growing different types of small fruit with a focus on bramblesand blueberries. There will be time for your questions as well!
Location: Wayne County Cooperative Extension, 1581 Rte 88 North, Newark
Please call (315) 331-8415 to reserve your spot.
Tuesday, March 25th at 7pm: Join the Williamson Garden Club for apresentation from Wayne County Master Gardeners, Bonny Gordon and Jim Oliver. Learn about reclaiming overgrown foundation plantings and blending them with other plants to create a landscape that you’ll be able to enjoy for years to come.
Location: Williamson Public Library
Saturday, May 10th from 8:00 am to noon: Master Gardener Plant Sale (plants provided by local nurseries and from Master Gardener’s private collections)
Location: Wayne County Cooperative Extension, 1581 Rte 88 North, Newark
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Landscape Design: Reclaim and Recreate
Every landscape is made up of a variety of plants: from trees to perennials and annuals to grasses.
A truly beautiful yard needs a design that blends these elements together.
Join the Williamson Garden Club for a presentation from Wayne County Master Gardeners, Bonny Gordon and Jim Oliver. Learn about reclaiming overgrown foundation plantings and blending them with other plants to create a landscape you'll be able to enjoy for years to come.
This lecture will be on Tuesday, March 25th at the Williamson Public Library, 6380 Route 21, Williamson, NY at 7:00 P.M. This event is free and open to the local community and general public.
For more information, call Subrata Paul at grow14589@gmail.com or check http://grow-thewilliamsongardenclub.blogspot.com/. Pre-registration is not required.
Every landscape is made up of a variety of plants: from trees to perennials and annuals to grasses.
A truly beautiful yard needs a design that blends these elements together.
Join the Williamson Garden Club for a presentation from Wayne County Master Gardeners, Bonny Gordon and Jim Oliver. Learn about reclaiming overgrown foundation plantings and blending them with other plants to create a landscape you'll be able to enjoy for years to come.
This lecture will be on Tuesday, March 25th at the Williamson Public Library, 6380 Route 21, Williamson, NY at 7:00 P.M. This event is free and open to the local community and general public.
For more information, call Subrata Paul at grow14589@gmail.com or check http://grow-thewilliamsongardenclub.blogspot.com/. Pre-registration is not required.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sodus Garden Club - "All About Bees"
The Sodus Garden Club
Special program to prepare for Spring Gardening!
"All about Bees" presented by Mary Moss, Master Gardener.
Wednesday, March 19th, at 7pm.
Parish Center-Church of the Epiphany, West Main & Newark St., Sodus.
For more info: 483-4740. It looks to be a very interesting lecture.
Special program to prepare for Spring Gardening!
"All about Bees" presented by Mary Moss, Master Gardener.
Wednesday, March 19th, at 7pm.
Parish Center-Church of the Epiphany, West Main & Newark St., Sodus.
For more info: 483-4740. It looks to be a very interesting lecture.
March Events and Updates
Hi Fellow Gardeners!
Just an update before our members meeting in mid-March.
1. No news on the Fiskars Grant yet but we will let you know as soon as we hear.
In the meantime, we came across a grant for a Mantis Tiller. It had a really quick turnaround (March 1st) so Eric and I (with help from our advisor, Penny) pulled something together and sent it off on Friday. If you want information on it, check this out http://www.kidsgardening.com/grants/mantis-criteria.asp.
If you come across other grants that you think might be of interest, please let us know.
2. The Sodus Garden Club sent an invite for their March lecture. "All about Bees" presented by Mary Moss, Master Gardener. Wednesday, March 19th, at 7pm. Parish Center-Church of the Epiphany, West Main & Newark St., Sodus. For more info: 483-4740. It looks to be a very interesting lecture.
3. At our upcoming members meeting on March, I thought we could talk about
- Spring planting/Town Planters
- Chamber of Commerce membership
- Gateway to Pultneyville - Garden Project
- Friends of the Garden Club - we got our first Friend!
- Learning Fair
- High school students
- Peony catalog offer
If you have other thing to discuss, let me know and I'll add them to the agenda.
I'll send a reminder closer to our members meeting.
Happy Gardening!
Just an update before our members meeting in mid-March.
1. No news on the Fiskars Grant yet but we will let you know as soon as we hear.
In the meantime, we came across a grant for a Mantis Tiller. It had a really quick turnaround (March 1st) so Eric and I (with help from our advisor, Penny) pulled something together and sent it off on Friday. If you want information on it, check this out http://www.kidsgardening.com/grants/mantis-criteria.asp.
If you come across other grants that you think might be of interest, please let us know.
2. The Sodus Garden Club sent an invite for their March lecture. "All about Bees" presented by Mary Moss, Master Gardener. Wednesday, March 19th, at 7pm. Parish Center-Church of the Epiphany, West Main & Newark St., Sodus. For more info: 483-4740. It looks to be a very interesting lecture.
3. At our upcoming members meeting on March, I thought we could talk about
- Spring planting/Town Planters
- Chamber of Commerce membership
- Gateway to Pultneyville - Garden Project
- Friends of the Garden Club - we got our first Friend!
- Learning Fair
- High school students
- Peony catalog offer
If you have other thing to discuss, let me know and I'll add them to the agenda.
I'll send a reminder closer to our members meeting.
Happy Gardening!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Update on February Lecture Event
Hi Members!
We don't normally do an update after our monthly lectures but I feel like this one warrants an exception.
We had 26 attendees for our February lecture. I believe this is the largest turn-out we've had so far for one of our events.
We had people from Clyde all the way to the city of Rochester. Penny did a great job and most people left with little pots of seeds to sprout.
I think we also generated some interest for upcoming lectures and hopefully this will encourage some attendees to become members or friends of the Garden Club.
Happy Gardening!Subrata
We don't normally do an update after our monthly lectures but I feel like this one warrants an exception.
We had 26 attendees for our February lecture. I believe this is the largest turn-out we've had so far for one of our events.
We had people from Clyde all the way to the city of Rochester. Penny did a great job and most people left with little pots of seeds to sprout.
I think we also generated some interest for upcoming lectures and hopefully this will encourage some attendees to become members or friends of the Garden Club.
Happy Gardening!Subrata
Friday, February 15, 2008
What's going on with the Williamson Garden Club!
Hi Fellow Gardeners-
1. The grant application is in the mail. A BIG thank-you to Eric for putting all the parts of the grant together and into the mail. Now we just wait to hear the (good) news :)
2. The high school students, Noah and Evan, did an excellent job on the video. They worked really hard and turned it around in just a few days. Eric and I were really impressed with their professionalism, hard work and dedication to this project. We are planning on writing a letter to their advisor regarding the excellent work that they did for us.
I would also like to recommend that we extend honorary Garden Club membership to the two students, as our way of saying "Thank You" for all their hard work. Please let me know what you think about that idea.
Here is a picture of Eric with one of the students, Noah. http://www.williamsonchamberofcommerce.org/WilliKids.html
3. Kris Jorolemon reminded me that she is looking for photographs, news clippings, etc. for the scrapbook that she is creating of the Garden Club. If you have any to share, please let her know.
4. Finally, is there interest in viewing the DVD that we submitted to Fiskars? I know that we have at least a couple of snowbirds and could wait until our March or April meeting to having a viewing, if there is interest. The video is about 10 minutes long.
Happy Gardening!
1. The grant application is in the mail. A BIG thank-you to Eric for putting all the parts of the grant together and into the mail. Now we just wait to hear the (good) news :)
2. The high school students, Noah and Evan, did an excellent job on the video. They worked really hard and turned it around in just a few days. Eric and I were really impressed with their professionalism, hard work and dedication to this project. We are planning on writing a letter to their advisor regarding the excellent work that they did for us.
I would also like to recommend that we extend honorary Garden Club membership to the two students, as our way of saying "Thank You" for all their hard work. Please let me know what you think about that idea.
Here is a picture of Eric with one of the students, Noah. http://www.williamsonchamberofcommerce.org/WilliKids.html
3. Kris Jorolemon reminded me that she is looking for photographs, news clippings, etc. for the scrapbook that she is creating of the Garden Club. If you have any to share, please let her know.
4. Finally, is there interest in viewing the DVD that we submitted to Fiskars? I know that we have at least a couple of snowbirds and could wait until our March or April meeting to having a viewing, if there is interest. The video is about 10 minutes long.
Happy Gardening!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Update on Project Orange Thumb/Fiskar Grant
Hi -
I just wanted to let everyone know what the status is with the grant application.
We have finished writing Questions 2-5 and have the most recent version of the Garden Plan&Design, as well as a color painting representing the greenspace. Eric has filled out the application form.
The two high school students who are working on Question 1, Noah and Evan, have completed the video. They did an excellent job and Eric and I were really impressed with the quality of the video that they created. They are planning on burning the DVD today and Eric will be picking it up today.
We'll get the material together tonight and it will be ready to be shipped tomorrow morning.
I'd like to thank all the people who helped with encouraging us to apply to the grant, brain-storming, writing, re-writing, re-organizing and just overall helping the Garden Club successfully complete their first (but definitely not last) grant application. Thanks to Shirley Schultze, Perry Howland and Penny Higgins for all their writing and revision work. Mary Jane Haugh did an amazing job with Garden Plan and Design. Garden Club photos were donated by John and Linda Ferrante, Carol Hopkins, Shirley Shultze, and Kris and Ed Jorolemon. Mary Jane, Lorraine Mason and Jim Hoffman also graciously donated their time and agreed to be interviewed for the video. Additionally Scott Utley, Nathalie Fuller, and Carol Hopkins provided moral support and encouragement in the grant application process.
Happy Gardening!
I just wanted to let everyone know what the status is with the grant application.
We have finished writing Questions 2-5 and have the most recent version of the Garden Plan&Design, as well as a color painting representing the greenspace. Eric has filled out the application form.
The two high school students who are working on Question 1, Noah and Evan, have completed the video. They did an excellent job and Eric and I were really impressed with the quality of the video that they created. They are planning on burning the DVD today and Eric will be picking it up today.
We'll get the material together tonight and it will be ready to be shipped tomorrow morning.
I'd like to thank all the people who helped with encouraging us to apply to the grant, brain-storming, writing, re-writing, re-organizing and just overall helping the Garden Club successfully complete their first (but definitely not last) grant application. Thanks to Shirley Schultze, Perry Howland and Penny Higgins for all their writing and revision work. Mary Jane Haugh did an amazing job with Garden Plan and Design. Garden Club photos were donated by John and Linda Ferrante, Carol Hopkins, Shirley Shultze, and Kris and Ed Jorolemon. Mary Jane, Lorraine Mason and Jim Hoffman also graciously donated their time and agreed to be interviewed for the video. Additionally Scott Utley, Nathalie Fuller, and Carol Hopkins provided moral support and encouragement in the grant application process.
Happy Gardening!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
February "Virual" Meeting
Hello Members!
Welcome to our first "virtual" meeting.
1. First course of business: choosing the spring plantings. After talking to Lorraine and Doug Mason, a mix of perennials/drought tolerant plants may be our best avenue this year. According to Lorraine, 5 - 1 gal pots of perennials would cost approximately the same as the large petunia 12" pot which we used last year.
If you feel strongly that we should not use perennials (or should use a different mix of perennials), let me know. Otherwise, we need to get our order to the Masons by next week.
Click on the URL. Please pick 3 ouf the 5 combination planters listed below and email me your vote by Monday, February 18th.
1. purple passion
2. towering inferno
3. fire and ice
4. summer salsa
5. twist of lime
2. Second course of business: Chamber of Commerce. Did we want to join, as a group, the Chamber of Commerce? If we join as a group, even though only one person gets to vote, all meetings, etc. are open to any member of the Garden Club. Dues are $35 (I believe) and we have money in our budget to cover them.
I think this would be a good relationship to build upon. Lorraine has started the year very strongly and has already shown enthusiasm and dedication to the Garden Club.
Let me know what you think. If you feel this needs longer discussion than an email would suffice, we can table this question for our March members meeting.
3. Third course of business: in an effort to create one main place where we can upload digital pictures of garden club events, Eric has created a kodakgallery account. If you have pictures you would like to upload to the kodakgallery site, please contact him for the password information.
If there is a better site for pictures (such as Flickr, etc.), let me know what it is and why you think it would be a better fit for us. We are not dedicated to kodakgallery - it is simply the one that we personally use.
I look forward to hearing from all the members-
Welcome to our first "virtual" meeting.
1. First course of business: choosing the spring plantings. After talking to Lorraine and Doug Mason, a mix of perennials/drought tolerant plants may be our best avenue this year. According to Lorraine, 5 - 1 gal pots of perennials would cost approximately the same as the large petunia 12" pot which we used last year.
If you feel strongly that we should not use perennials (or should use a different mix of perennials), let me know. Otherwise, we need to get our order to the Masons by next week.
Click on the URL. Please pick 3 ouf the 5 combination planters listed below and email me your vote by Monday, February 18th.
1. purple passion
2. towering inferno
3. fire and ice
4. summer salsa
5. twist of lime
2. Second course of business: Chamber of Commerce. Did we want to join, as a group, the Chamber of Commerce? If we join as a group, even though only one person gets to vote, all meetings, etc. are open to any member of the Garden Club. Dues are $35 (I believe) and we have money in our budget to cover them.
I think this would be a good relationship to build upon. Lorraine has started the year very strongly and has already shown enthusiasm and dedication to the Garden Club.
Let me know what you think. If you feel this needs longer discussion than an email would suffice, we can table this question for our March members meeting.
3. Third course of business: in an effort to create one main place where we can upload digital pictures of garden club events, Eric has created a kodakgallery account. If you have pictures you would like to upload to the kodakgallery site, please contact him for the password information.
If there is a better site for pictures (such as Flickr, etc.), let me know what it is and why you think it would be a better fit for us. We are not dedicated to kodakgallery - it is simply the one that we personally use.
I look forward to hearing from all the members-
Monday, February 4, 2008
February Event - Seed Starting 101
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
If you are ready to get your hands dirty and start gardening, join us for our February lecture, Seed-Starting 101!
The Williamson Garden Club is happy to have Penny Higgins, past president of the Garden Club, present a hands-on lecture on starting seeds. We will be providing seeds, soil and pots so attendees will have the opportunity to start seeds for their gardens. This would be a great event to bring your kids!
The lecture will be on Wednesday, February 20th, at the Williamson Public Library (6380 Route 21) at 7:00 pm. This event is free and open to the public, so feel free to invite friends to attend.
Happy Gardening!
If you are ready to get your hands dirty and start gardening, join us for our February lecture, Seed-Starting 101!
The Williamson Garden Club is happy to have Penny Higgins, past president of the Garden Club, present a hands-on lecture on starting seeds. We will be providing seeds, soil and pots so attendees will have the opportunity to start seeds for their gardens. This would be a great event to bring your kids!
The lecture will be on Wednesday, February 20th, at the Williamson Public Library (6380 Route 21) at 7:00 pm. This event is free and open to the public, so feel free to invite friends to attend.
Happy Gardening!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Fiskar Grant Update
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
Quick update on our progress with the grant. We are moving along, thanks to the hard work of our members.
We are also very fortunate to have 3 eager volunteers from the local high school who are going to help us out.
There are five questions that need to be answered-
Question 1 - Three high school students will be working on this item.
# 1 Overall Inspiration/Vision
1) If you had no limits of time or money, describe your dreamgarden project, use any medium you like to show yourvision.
Question 2 and 5 is being worked on by Subrata
Question 3 is being worked on by Perry
Question 4 is being worked on by Shirley and Mary Jane. Mary Jane has submitted some AMAZING drawings for the green space and it is going to look wonderful when completed.
While Eric is overseeing everything, Kris and Ed Jorolemon are also providing copyreading support.
Penny is our advisor and providing excellent feedback and guidance to make sure our grant answers look and sound good.
All this hard work is going to pay off in a beautiful green space for downtown Williamson.
Happy Gardening!
Quick update on our progress with the grant. We are moving along, thanks to the hard work of our members.
We are also very fortunate to have 3 eager volunteers from the local high school who are going to help us out.
There are five questions that need to be answered-
Question 1 - Three high school students will be working on this item.
# 1 Overall Inspiration/Vision
1) If you had no limits of time or money, describe your dreamgarden project, use any medium you like to show yourvision.
Question 2 and 5 is being worked on by Subrata
Question 3 is being worked on by Perry
Question 4 is being worked on by Shirley and Mary Jane. Mary Jane has submitted some AMAZING drawings for the green space and it is going to look wonderful when completed.
While Eric is overseeing everything, Kris and Ed Jorolemon are also providing copyreading support.
Penny is our advisor and providing excellent feedback and guidance to make sure our grant answers look and sound good.
All this hard work is going to pay off in a beautiful green space for downtown Williamson.
Happy Gardening!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
January 15th Meeting Minutes
Minutes from Meeting for Garden Club
January 15, 2007
7:00 PM at Williamson Library
Attendees: Nathalie Fuller, Eric Herriman, Penny Higgins, Carol Hopkins, Perry Howland, Subrata Paul, Shirley Schulze, Scott Utley
1) Discussion of Fiskar "Orange Thumb" Grant
a. Eric will be point person
- Action item: Penny to call Fiskars regarding use of Mike Orr's green space
- URL for past winners
- vote to decide what to focus on – green space or planters?
- update blog to keep track of progress
Update: Grant focus will be Mike Orr's Green Space. Perry, Shirley and Subrata will undertake Questions 2-5 of the grant. Penny will act as advisor/reviewer of grants. Eric will see if students available to help with Question 1. Mary Jane Haugh (Economic Advisor) will draw up gardening plan.
2) Discussion of 2008 calendar for monthly lectures, etc. (Tentative)
January - Herbs, Meddy from Meddy's Musings
February - Seed-starting, Penny Higgins
March - Garden design/hardscaping
April - Mason Farms/Spring Valley Greenhouse tour
May - Spring plantings & Apple Blossom Festival
June, July & August - Pultneyville House tour (June 14th);
start house tours
- Parker Zach/ daylily tour
- Japanese Garden tour
- Ed & Kris Jorolemon garden tour
August - Audrey Ferris, Rose Garden
September - Herbs, Meddy
Pultneyville Garage Sale/3rd wknd in Sept.
October - Mulching/composting
November - Fall Plantings
December - John Palmer, flower arrangements
3) Pultneyville Home Tours "Sailor's Farewell" – Carol Hopkins
- donations from local farms and florists for 10 houses on the tour
- Would Garden Club be able to donate small vase of cut flowers? Carol can call a meeting to discuss what owners would like
- Penny has started plants – should have extras to donate
- $25 tickets, 10 houses. Tickets are free to docent (work ½ day). 10-4pm
4. Feedback on December event
- more people needed to work on arrangements
- set up work stations so goes more smoothly
- complimentary article AND letter in Sun and Record
January 15, 2007
7:00 PM at Williamson Library
Attendees: Nathalie Fuller, Eric Herriman, Penny Higgins, Carol Hopkins, Perry Howland, Subrata Paul, Shirley Schulze, Scott Utley
1) Discussion of Fiskar "Orange Thumb" Grant
a. Eric will be point person
- Action item: Penny to call Fiskars regarding use of Mike Orr's green space
- URL for past winners
- vote to decide what to focus on – green space or planters?
- update blog to keep track of progress
Update: Grant focus will be Mike Orr's Green Space. Perry, Shirley and Subrata will undertake Questions 2-5 of the grant. Penny will act as advisor/reviewer of grants. Eric will see if students available to help with Question 1. Mary Jane Haugh (Economic Advisor) will draw up gardening plan.
2) Discussion of 2008 calendar for monthly lectures, etc. (Tentative)
January - Herbs, Meddy from Meddy's Musings
February - Seed-starting, Penny Higgins
March - Garden design/hardscaping
April - Mason Farms/Spring Valley Greenhouse tour
May - Spring plantings & Apple Blossom Festival
June, July & August - Pultneyville House tour (June 14th);
start house tours
- Parker Zach/ daylily tour
- Japanese Garden tour
- Ed & Kris Jorolemon garden tour
August - Audrey Ferris, Rose Garden
September - Herbs, Meddy
Pultneyville Garage Sale/3rd wknd in Sept.
October - Mulching/composting
November - Fall Plantings
December - John Palmer, flower arrangements
3) Pultneyville Home Tours "Sailor's Farewell" – Carol Hopkins
- donations from local farms and florists for 10 houses on the tour
- Would Garden Club be able to donate small vase of cut flowers? Carol can call a meeting to discuss what owners would like
- Penny has started plants – should have extras to donate
- $25 tickets, 10 houses. Tickets are free to docent (work ½ day). 10-4pm
4. Feedback on December event
- more people needed to work on arrangements
- set up work stations so goes more smoothly
- complimentary article AND letter in Sun and Record
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Master Gardener Program
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
Laurie Van Norstrand from the Cornell Cooperative Extenstion in Wayne County, contacted me.
She is putting together a list of Master Gardener candidates for the next class. If you are interested,, please leave your contact information on the Master Gardener voicemail at Cornell Cooperative Extension, Wayne County, at 315-331-8415 x107.
Just FYI - The Cornell Cooperative Extension has a gardening hotline that is typically open, Tuesday and Friday from 9am - noon. Please call the office at 315-331-8415 and ask to speak to one of the highly trained Master Gardener volunteers.
Laurie Van Norstrand from the Cornell Cooperative Extenstion in Wayne County, contacted me.
She is putting together a list of Master Gardener candidates for the next class. If you are interested,, please leave your contact information on the Master Gardener voicemail at Cornell Cooperative Extension, Wayne County, at 315-331-8415 x107.
Just FYI - The Cornell Cooperative Extension has a gardening hotline that is typically open, Tuesday and Friday from 9am - noon. Please call the office at 315-331-8415 and ask to speak to one of the highly trained Master Gardener volunteers.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Herbology URL Links
For those who missed an excellent lecture last night, feel free to contact me for a copy of the handout.
Meddy provided some useful URLs:
http://herbsociety.org/index.php - perhaps the best source to begin with
http://www.plantations.cornell.edu/collections/botanical/herb_brochure_cfm - who knew we had this resource almost in our backyard? In nearby Ithaca, science meets art and the beauty of nature.
http://www.websterny.com/arboretum - this is right in our backyard, in Webster
http://www.gardensalive.com/ - helpful products/beneficial insects
http://www.ann-mccormick.com/HerbNCowgirl/GardenDesign2.htm - ideas on formal garden designs
http://www.planetbotanic.ca/fact_sheets/fact_sheets.htm - individual herb fact sheets, some historical data with medicinal observances written with indvidual flair
Other interesting URLs:
http://www.herbcompanion.com/ - herb magazine
http://www.abouthyme.com/dayletters/ - All About Thyme A Weekly Calendar of Times & Seasonings
http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/herbs/ - excellent resource for Q&A
If you have other suggested herb sites, let me know and I'll post them!
happy gardening!
Meddy provided some useful URLs:
http://herbsociety.org/index.php - perhaps the best source to begin with
http://www.plantations.cornell.edu/collections/botanical/herb_brochure_cfm - who knew we had this resource almost in our backyard? In nearby Ithaca, science meets art and the beauty of nature.
http://www.websterny.com/arboretum - this is right in our backyard, in Webster
http://www.gardensalive.com/ - helpful products/beneficial insects
http://www.ann-mccormick.com/HerbNCowgirl/GardenDesign2.htm - ideas on formal garden designs
http://www.planetbotanic.ca/fact_sheets/fact_sheets.htm - individual herb fact sheets, some historical data with medicinal observances written with indvidual flair
Other interesting URLs:
http://www.herbcompanion.com/ - herb magazine
http://www.abouthyme.com/dayletters/ - All About Thyme A Weekly Calendar of Times & Seasonings
http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/herbs/ - excellent resource for Q&A
If you have other suggested herb sites, let me know and I'll post them!
happy gardening!
Friday, January 18, 2008
The vote is in!
Mike Orr's Green Space will be our focus for the Fiskar Grant this year.
We've already taken pictures and measurements of the area (thanks, Shirley!) and are on our way to working on the grant.
Watch this space as we post updates!
- Subrata
We've already taken pictures and measurements of the area (thanks, Shirley!) and are on our way to working on the grant.
Watch this space as we post updates!
- Subrata
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Update on Members Meeting
Hello Fellow Gardeners,
We had a GREAT turn-out yesterday at our members meeting.
Topics of discussion included the Fiskars grant and also our year-long Monthly Lectures.
1. We are going forward with applying for the Fiskar grant. Eric Herriman is going to lead the group and there were some great ideas tossed around. Penny Higgins found out that the grant can be used for any community focused activity. Some people have already e-mailed me offering their expertise/proof-reading abilities and other skills. If you are interested in participating in applying for the grant, please contact Eric.
2. We came up with an AMAZING 2008 monthly lecture schedule. Highlights include, but are not limited to, water garden tour, japanese garden tour, dayliily garden tour, rose garden tour (are we seeing a trend here?). If we are able to get the speakers, we will have a lecture on hardscaping/landscaping and mulching. Just a reminder that next Wednesday, we will have our Herbology 101 lecture.
If you have suggestions/speaker recommendations, etc. please email them to me.
3. Finally, we're going to plan ahead a bit for the spring plantings. For anyone who is available, Lorraine Mason has agreed to meet with us on Wednesday, January 30th, at 7pm at the Williamson Library to talk about spring plantings for this year. We got some GREAT compliments last year and hope we can come up with plant ideas that will last the entire season.
This will hopefully be the only month we end up having THREE meetings but it's nice to start out the year with some very exciting things going on.
Happy Gardening!
We had a GREAT turn-out yesterday at our members meeting.
Topics of discussion included the Fiskars grant and also our year-long Monthly Lectures.
1. We are going forward with applying for the Fiskar grant. Eric Herriman is going to lead the group and there were some great ideas tossed around. Penny Higgins found out that the grant can be used for any community focused activity. Some people have already e-mailed me offering their expertise/proof-reading abilities and other skills. If you are interested in participating in applying for the grant, please contact Eric.
2. We came up with an AMAZING 2008 monthly lecture schedule. Highlights include, but are not limited to, water garden tour, japanese garden tour, dayliily garden tour, rose garden tour (are we seeing a trend here?). If we are able to get the speakers, we will have a lecture on hardscaping/landscaping and mulching. Just a reminder that next Wednesday, we will have our Herbology 101 lecture.
If you have suggestions/speaker recommendations, etc. please email them to me.
3. Finally, we're going to plan ahead a bit for the spring plantings. For anyone who is available, Lorraine Mason has agreed to meet with us on Wednesday, January 30th, at 7pm at the Williamson Library to talk about spring plantings for this year. We got some GREAT compliments last year and hope we can come up with plant ideas that will last the entire season.
This will hopefully be the only month we end up having THREE meetings but it's nice to start out the year with some very exciting things going on.
Happy Gardening!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
January Lecture - Growing and Caring of Herbs
Hello Fellow Gardeners!
Have you wondered how to pick the best herbs to grow in this area? Are you confused between ornamental herbs and culinary herbs? Are you interested in growing herbs from seeds?
The Williamson Garden Club is excited to announce that our January lecturer will be Meddy from Meddy's Musings in Williamson. She will lecture on Herbology 101: Growing and Care of Herbs , a basic overview of choosing, growing and caring for herbs.
This free lecture will be on Wednesday, January 23rd at the Williamson Public Library at 7:00pm. As with all our lectures, this event is open to the public.
Happy Gardening!
Have you wondered how to pick the best herbs to grow in this area? Are you confused between ornamental herbs and culinary herbs? Are you interested in growing herbs from seeds?
The Williamson Garden Club is excited to announce that our January lecturer will be Meddy from Meddy's Musings in Williamson. She will lecture on Herbology 101: Growing and Care of Herbs , a basic overview of choosing, growing and caring for herbs.
This free lecture will be on Wednesday, January 23rd at the Williamson Public Library at 7:00pm. As with all our lectures, this event is open to the public.
Happy Gardening!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
January Members Meeting
Hello Fellow Gardeners -
I hope you're enjoying the beautiful weather! Who would have thought we would have 60 degree weather in January?
I'm still working on our January event and hope to have something put together soon.
In the meantime, I thought we should get started with our member's meeting to discuss plans for 2008.We've gotten some good buzz so far - Jim Hoffman gave some nice praise for our Fall Plantings and the Sun & Record has run some nice articles about our donated Flower Arrangements at Blossom View. We'll be meeting on Tuesday, 1/15 in the interior conference room at the Williamson library at 7pm . I hope to see everyone there!
And for those of you who are free during the day, I received this from the Wayne County Cooperative Extension:
Free Presentation: Thursday, January 17th from 11am to noon at the Wayne County Cooperative Extension in Newark"Weed Suppressive Groundcovers" a presentation from Brian Eshenaur, NYS Integrated Pest Management Team.We will learn about plants that can help control weeds in those hard to mow spots or that can be planted to cut down landscape maintenance. Please call(315)331-8415 by January 15th to RSVP if you can join us.
Happy Gardening!
I hope you're enjoying the beautiful weather! Who would have thought we would have 60 degree weather in January?
I'm still working on our January event and hope to have something put together soon.
In the meantime, I thought we should get started with our member's meeting to discuss plans for 2008.We've gotten some good buzz so far - Jim Hoffman gave some nice praise for our Fall Plantings and the Sun & Record has run some nice articles about our donated Flower Arrangements at Blossom View. We'll be meeting on Tuesday, 1/15 in the interior conference room at the Williamson library at 7pm . I hope to see everyone there!
And for those of you who are free during the day, I received this from the Wayne County Cooperative Extension:
Free Presentation: Thursday, January 17th from 11am to noon at the Wayne County Cooperative Extension in Newark"Weed Suppressive Groundcovers" a presentation from Brian Eshenaur, NYS Integrated Pest Management Team.We will learn about plants that can help control weeds in those hard to mow spots or that can be planted to cut down landscape maintenance. Please call(315)331-8415 by January 15th to RSVP if you can join us.
Happy Gardening!
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