Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update on Members Meeting

Hello Fellow Gardeners,

We had a GREAT turn-out yesterday at our members meeting.

Topics of discussion included the Fiskars grant and also our year-long Monthly Lectures.

1. We are going forward with applying for the Fiskar grant. Eric Herriman is going to lead the group and there were some great ideas tossed around. Penny Higgins found out that the grant can be used for any community focused activity. Some people have already e-mailed me offering their expertise/proof-reading abilities and other skills. If you are interested in participating in applying for the grant, please contact Eric.

2. We came up with an AMAZING 2008 monthly lecture schedule. Highlights include, but are not limited to, water garden tour, japanese garden tour, dayliily garden tour, rose garden tour (are we seeing a trend here?). If we are able to get the speakers, we will have a lecture on hardscaping/landscaping and mulching. Just a reminder that next Wednesday, we will have our Herbology 101 lecture.

If you have suggestions/speaker recommendations, etc. please email them to me.

3. Finally, we're going to plan ahead a bit for the spring plantings. For anyone who is available, Lorraine Mason has agreed to meet with us on Wednesday, January 30th, at 7pm at the Williamson Library to talk about spring plantings for this year. We got some GREAT compliments last year and hope we can come up with plant ideas that will last the entire season.
This will hopefully be the only month we end up having THREE meetings but it's nice to start out the year with some very exciting things going on.

Happy Gardening!

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